
13 weeks pregnant! no sign of bump?

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i'm 13 weeks pregnant and cant see or feel a bump yet... my tummy is slightly firmer above the pubic bone but nothin else. is this common? should i have bump by now....?




  1. i didnt get really any showing of a bump til late, like 25 weeks. i just looked like i had put on a few pounds. But when the belly came, it came out of nowhere. and it was biiiiiiiiiig. biiiiiiiiiiiig belly. i wore my size 24 (0-1) pants to my 18 and 22 week ultrasounds. zipped up. oh the days of a zipper....

  2. you may not nitice your baby bump for a while. I was showing at a mear 8 weeks but my cousin didnt show untill she was 22 weeks along. dont be worried you and your baby are fine :)

  3. It'll probably take awhile for you to get an obvious bump. Especially if you're built with wide hips. I know I didn't get one till I was around 8 months pregnant.

  4. Not necessarily, I was told around 16 weeks is when most start to show.

  5. that is sooo normal! I didnt start showing to where anybody could tell I was pregnant till I was six months!  And I was thin before I got pregnant, like 115 pounds. everything is totally fine! you will get your big baby bump soon:) congrats on your pregnancy!

  6. If you think about the size of the baby at this point it makes sense that you do not have a baby bump yet. Before you know it your will have a beautiful baby bump woman like me will admire.

  7. Are you a small girl?? It took me forever to get my bump!! I was so bummed out because I was excited to get a big belly!! People finally started to SEMI notice around week 19, but I just looked pudgy. Around 6 months was when I really started to grow and it was apparent that I was pregnant. I grew like wildfire!! My baby was born 8lbs 3oz. Sounds healthy to me!!

    Plus, I had a great pregnancy, a little pressure sometimes, but no real loss of breath, or vomiting, and swelling. I believe that part of my luck is because I didn't get too big too fast (although I know no one can help this!!).


  8. I am 23 weeks pregnant and just started to show.  At 13 weeks my stomach still looked normal.

  9. For your first pregnancy, your abdominal muscles are tighter and you won't show until later in your pregnancy.  If you have a large bone structure, you uterus will sit deeper into your hip cradle and not show as early in front.  I have an "inverted uterus"- that tips backward toward my spine unlike most women's uterus that tips forward toward the pelvic bone.  I didn't show in front on my first pregnancy until I was 6 months pregnant, except for my suddenly giant b***s.

  10. it's very common as a matter of fact it is quite uncommon to have a bump at 13 weeks.  your uterus is still tucked in to your pubic bone right now.  it is starting to come out now which is why you can feel some firmness just above your pubic bone.

    check out this site it has lots of pictures of opther peoples bumps at 13 weeks.

    this is a picture of a 13 weeker

    this is a bunch of them

    they all differ quite a bit.

  11. it's very common! for the longest time, I was barely showing at all, and then, around 6 months, i blew up like a basketball! and now everyone tells me i'm too big. lol, and, no, i wasn't big before i got prego. i weighed 103. it's totally normal. good luck!

  12. Yes, this is completely normal.

    My mom didn't start showing big time till she was almost 4 months.

    Don't worry about it :]

    And if you feel like something is really wrong go see your OB and make sure everything is ok with the babys health and yours :]

    Good luck!

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