
13 year old, needs ideas on what to sell to make money?

by  |  earlier

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I want to start a mini-business and sell something. I was thinking about baking cookies but want to see what else there was for me to make and sell.




  1. when i was 11-12 i made good money buying laser pointers (i had a source that could get them cheap) and selling them at school kids loved it the teachers loved it.

    may advice try look around for something being sold below value and pounce on it. i know it sounds simple but its not that hard. cookies are ok but who would buy from a kid when they can get a guarentee of taste from a bakery or store. but sum neighbourhoods people will buy just for the cute factor. (but ur 13 now so its gonna be a lot harder)

    look around at the population you have the most access to and who your target customers are

    if they are teenagers look for electronics.

    if they are loads of kids look for toys.



    another easier option is to offer a service such as babysitting or carwashing. its just less fun (well to me anyway)

  2. Think of something people need, but nobody sells yet.

    Start inventing things.

  3. I heard about this girl who made like salt-dough dolls and started an online business, for birthdays, christmas etc., and they were pretty popular because they were personalised and pretty cheap. They're easy to make as well, you might want to find some instructions but you can do a whole batch in the oven really quickly and because each one is different I guess it would be sort of fun too!

    Or you could clear out your stuff and sell whatever junk you don't want on eBay, someone is guaranteed to want it!!!

  4. babysitting is always fun, start a summer camp and invite neighborhood kids over for fun, charge about ten dollars per kid for the day and include lunch,

    if not so hot for kids, wash cars, clean windows, pull weeds,

    often services from teens are more valued then items but whatever works :) good luck and have fun

  5. sell your computer on ebay.

    or any electronics i'd buy

  6. c'mon...!

    ur just 13,enjoy ur life.

    u wanna work from now?i think thats just horrible.

    you'd better think again sweety.

  7. Crafts, like beaded thinks or friendship bracelets.

    Bake sale, lemonade/Iced tea and cookies.

    Well this is more labor, but you could babysit, mow lawns, or do garden work.

  8. yah go to ebay lols

  9. Cookies or baked goods are always a good money getter. But you can also sell flowers during the summer or gift baskets. You can make jewelry, or poems or kool aid. The possibilities are endless. Good luck.

  10. i did the same thing when i was younger oatmeal was my fav.. to make //  how about trying some crafts  have a yard sale  //

  11. Sell old stuff on ebay.

  12. i remember when i was 13. i always needed money!

    are are some ways i made money:

    -garage sale

    -bake sale

    -lemonade stand


    -jewelry sale

    -mowing lawns

    -washing cars

    -cleaning the house

    ok well i hope this helps!

    good luck making money =]

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  14. Ask your parents if you can have a garage sell. At least then you'll have some money to plan on a different type of sale. You can make things (which you can use that money to buy supplies).... take an arts & crafts class. If you're really good at it, you can sell items on EBay.

  15. Kids used to sell candy at school behind the teachers backs.    In Baltimore kids sell bottles of ice cold water on the corners on really hot days.   You could buy stuff at Sams club at a discount bulk rate and then resell it at a higher market value.


  16. Try ebay...just get your parents approval and get them involved.  You can sell decor or clothing and accessories that you never wear.  You'd be surprises how much money you can make off of stuff that you never use.

  17. well I'm 13 too and all i do is work for people doing little jobs.

    i put up flyer's, i go door to door and i do random stuff for my parents to earn money.

    i babysit or i have a dog walking business.

    little stuff turns into big money.

  18. if it were me i'd babysit for people with a large income then i would get paid big bucks.

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