
13 year old girl getting into martial arts?

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well im 13 and i really want to try martial arts but my mom is afriad ill get hurt.. im into pretty good shape because of basketball and i can take a punch from my older there anything i could say to ge her to let me take it?




  1. The book "Children in the Martial Arts" by Gaku Homma will answer a lot of your mom's questions / fears

  2. Tell her a story about a young girl who was unfortunately abducted or assaulted. Tell her how she might of been more successful of alerting others of her being hurt if she could of held off her captives a while, while screaming and calling police. Tell her you don't want to be that girl, and you thing MA could help.

    Cheap trick I know, but if your mom is a worry wort, let her worry about the ways you can protect yourself, versus her protect you from the world.

  3. well what type of martial art do you want to do?

    if you want to do a martial art where there is very litle chance of getting hurt i would suggest karate or tae kwon do. if you look around for a karate or tae kwon.  doing something like mauy thai or zhen do kai there is a higher chance to get hurt.

    but in any martial art you can get hurt if you do something wrong. as long as you do exactly what your instructor does you shouldnt really get hurt. normally martial arts dojos are pretty safe probably safer than at school. i did tae kwon do at about that age  had a lot of fun doing it and i never got hurt in the 3 years i did it. i got hurt a lot more doing other sports at school.

    martial arts are a great thing to learn for any person IMO

  4. You should most certainly start a martial art. In classes, you train in a safe environment under the supervision of an instructor, all the while learning vital self defence techniques. In my opinion, every girl should learn a martial art so they can defend themselves against attackers. Like others have already said, you're in a lot more danger if you're completely defenceless. There are a lot of statistics out there showing that it's mostly women that are victims of violent attacks.

    I'm not saying that you're definitely going to be attacked at some point in your life - but learning a martial art is a good precaution, just in case you are. It's only natural that your mom would be concerned about you taking part in something that's considered "violent" and "aggressive" by the uninformed masses. She might change her mind if you inform her of the various benefits that martial arts gives you: better self-confidence; fitness; commitment; security and so on.

    Do some research on martial arts and educate your mom a little bit about them. Let her know why you want to do it, and she'll probably understand. In a couple of years time, it'll be your older brother who's taking punches from you, lol ;)

  5. I don't know what to tell you, but if she lets you then go for it

  6. At you're age most places won't put you in real danger, risk of a bruise at worst. Also different schools will traiin you in different ways, some might be dangerous where others (most) will have you practicing simple moves on padded mats with first-aid stuff near by. There really is very little risk for most people/ styles. Do research into what school you're joining to show her. At any rate, injury isn't much of a problem or they would all be shut down from people sueing them.

  7. I started doing martial arts when I was eleven and it has been one of the best things for me! My self esteem / self confidence has improved, and the self defense has really helped too.

    I've also played basketball, so if your mom lets you do that, I don't see any problem with doing martial arts. Both have a risk of getting hurt, though it's not that common. When you spar, you will usually wear protective gear. Bruises happen occasionally. Sore muscles are much more likely.

    As long as you find a good school and good instructor who cares about teaching the art and not just about making money, you should go for it.

  8. just tell her that as a girl you want to be able to defend yourself against would be attackers. yes you will get bumps and bruises but nothing compared to what might happen to you on the street if you are not trained

  9. Martial arts will help prevent you from getting hurt, more than it will ever hurt you.  Moms are worry warts, and they are often overly protective.  They are also afraid of what they do not fully understand.  Martial arts does more than teach you how to fight.  It helps develop confidence and control.  It helps people overcome fear and strengthens their character.  It is also an art form, and can open doors to a healthier, balanced lifestyle.  Finding the right instructor, with the right positive attitude and infectious energy is very important.

  10. On this site I went on it specifically tells parent why there child should be involved in martial arts I'll make a link check it out.

  11. seriousy..if you want to get into mma...start with mma.

    the days of strikers cross training in grappling. and jujutsu guys taking a bit of kickboxing are quickly coming to an end.

    the best guys of today are now the guys who never specialized in any area...but were true "mma" people from the very beginning.

    mma is safer than football or soccer in my opinion. noone gets killed in the octagon because they know when to tap out. and when to let go.

    in class you may get a few bruises but nothing too major. and most of the time you will be wearing protective gear

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