
13 year old girl with an ovarian cyst needs help?

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I am in horrible pain!!!! My dr said its an ovarian cyst. I can feel the lump. If he has to take it out what exactly will happen? What kind of doctor will do it?




  1. Sorry to hear that..

    You'll be seen by Gynaecologist. Since your in a lot of pain they will do an ultrasound scan of your ovaries. This won't hurt - its just cold when they put the gel on! This will allow them to see the cyst.

    Since you are young it is probably nothing serious like cancer - this occur in older (much older) women.

    The doctors will give you pain medicine and tell you to avoid heavy lifting and physical exertion because these can increase pressure and make the pain worse.

    You will have checkups to see if the cyst has shrunk. They normally go away on their own after 2-3 menstrual cycles (periods).

    If the cyst doesn't go away (which it prob will in your case because your are young) surgery may be needed. The surgery can be done laparoscopically (key hole - so a small incision) and the cyst can be removed without hurting your ovaries. If the cyst is very large, the whole ovary will be removed - remember you have another one so getting pregnant in the future shouldn't be an issue.

    I hope this helps. Cysts are quite common and most of the time they have no long term effects.

    Good luck.

  2. If he has to take it out what will happen is they take you into the hospital and although I'm not quite sure what kind of surgeon does it. Some surgeons will give you meds for your pain nd they will wheel you to the or. They put you to sleep and you wake up in recovery room. they then wheel you back to your room. If they do the surgeries using cameras you should only have 2-3 tiny incision holes which will be covered up with bandages and you will stay in the hospital for 1-2 days depending how fast you recover. I'll admit it is painful to get up from lying down and do drastic movements but you are off school for 2 weeks and off gym for a month. hope I helped.

  3. An ob-gyn surgeon will remove the cyst. S/he will make an incision in your abdomen. Some cysts can be removed laproscopically, leaving only a small scar.  Others require a larger incision which can be placed in the pubic area where a bikini would be.

    Sometimes cysts become so large that they cannot be safely removed from the ovary.  In that case, your ovary will be removed too. Don't worry though; you  have another ovary that will go on producing eggs until menopause which means you will still be able to get pregnant.

    Talk to your doctor and ask all the questions you want.  In fact, make a list so you don't forget any. Your doctor should answer all your questions in a professional and kindly manner.  While you are only 13 and a minor, you are a patient and the national patient's bill of rights says that you should be fully informed about any medical procedure.

    I know this is scary for you. Talk to your parents or school nurse or other trusted adults so they can help you through this.  Ovarian cysts are common.  You will be fine. Good luck.

  4. I already gave a more detailed response on the exact procedure. But, a gynecologist will perform the procedure, a doctor that specializes in female reproductive/general health. This doctor also usually delivers babies and helps a woman through her pregnancy.  

  5. Emily.....I tried to email you those answers you wanted but they keep coming back saying underlivered or something.......Send me a different emaill add or something.....

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