
13 year old girl with severe odd 2.?

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My wife and I have gone with our daughter to counseling for years. We have talked to phsycologists in her school and outside of school. She only finds happiness in others misery!

My other kids cannot keep seeing this. She is constantly emotionally abusive to them, and it takes away from all the positive we try to instill in them.




  1. have you tried any medications?

    I would go for a second opinion if you've only seen one dr. outside of school.

    "A child presenting with ODD symptoms should have a comprehensive evaluation.  It is important to look for other disorders which may be present; such as, attention‑deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, mood disorders (depression, bipolar disorder) and anxiety disorders. It may be difficult to improve the symptoms of ODD without treating the coexisting disorder. Some children with ODD may go on to develop conduct disorder.

    Treatment of ODD may include: Parent Training Programs to help manage the child's behavior, Individual Psychotherapy to develop more effective anger management, Family Psychotherapy to improve communication, Cognitive‑Behavioral Therapy to assist problem solving and decrease negativity, and Social Skills Training to increase flexibility and improve frustration tolerance with peers.  A child with ODD can be very difficult for parents. These parents need support and understanding.  Parents can help their child with ODD in the following ways:

        * Always build on the positives, give the child praise and positive reinforcement when he shows flexibility or cooperation.

        * Take a time‑out or break if you are about to make the conflict with your child worse, not better.  This is good modeling for your child.  Support your child if he decides to take a time‑out to prevent overreacting.

        * Pick your battles.  Since the child with ODD has trouble avoiding power struggles, prioritize the things you want your child to do.  If you give your child a time‑out in his room for misbehavior, don't add time for arguing. Say "your time will start when you go to your room."

        * Set up reasonable, age appropriate limits with consequences that can be enforced consistently.

        * Maintain interests other than your child with ODD, so that managing your child doesn't take all your time and energy.  Try to work with and obtain support from the other adults (teachers, coaches, and spouse) dealing with your child.

        * Manage your own stress with exercise and relaxation. Use respite care as needed.

    Many children with ODD will respond to the positive parenting techniques.  Parents may ask their pediatrician or family physician to refer them to a child and adolescent psychiatrist, who can diagnose and treat ODD and any coexisting psychiatric condition. "

  2. I think u need to get a second opinion from another psychologist.

  3. this girl need serios help!!!!! now

  4. okay- where is the question???

  5. for now you can only carry on the counselling, and maybe take her back to the doctors for some follow up stuff.  maybe she has ADHD or something like that?  make sure she knows she is loved still, and explain to your other kids that she is unwell, but you are trying to help her.

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