
13 year old makeup? What do you think?

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MY lil ciz is over and she saw my makeup and she's like, "oh I want to start wearing it too!"

She'll be 13 on Nov. 5th, Cool 'eh? We have the same b-day, I'm just a few years older than her! =P

So anyways, she wants to wear the whole lot, foundation, eyeliner, lip gloss, powder, blush, eyeshadow, everything.

I personally think that is TO MUCH for an almost 13 year old.

What do you think she should be wearing?

Oh and she's going into grade 8.

Thanks, she won't listen to me telling her it's a lot, she needs to hear it from somebody else.




  1. too much!

    maybe just mascara and eyeliner.

    lip gloss too : ]

  2. I think it's too much too.

    It will look unnatural and overdone.

    She should stick to maybe mascara and eyeliner. And concealer for some pimples and blemishes. And maybe even lip gloss.

    Foundation and  powder and blush and eyeshadow is too much.

  3. I dont think its bad for a 13 year old to wear makeup, just NOT that much!  If she skips the foundation and just wears alil bit of eyeliner and blush, she look fine.

    Just tell her that the whole point of makeup is to look like your not wearing any! NO GUY likes a totally painted face. they like natural beauty ;)

  4. too much for 13.

    try just mascara and lip gloss.

    foundation if you really need it.


  5. This is what I used to tell my wife.

    Ugly girls need make up.

    You are beautiful, you don't need makeup.

    I want to kiss you not a bunch of makeup.

    Why do pretty girls, who were made beautiful by God want to cover it up with makeup?

  6. that is a lot of make up for 13. I'm 13 i wear a little eyeliner on the top lid and some blush and masscara but that was like when i was 13 and 5 months old!! so i would say that is way to much for her

  7. as long as she does it naturally it wont look too bad, i started wearing all that in 8th grade too. maybe you could take this opportunity to show her how to use that makeup in a natural way.

  8. im 13 : ]

    & im going into

    8th grade. & i

    wear mascara,

    a little bit of eye

    liner on the top

    lid, and somee

    bronzer. anddd

    occasionaly i

    wear lip gloss : ]

    but she shouldnt

    wear foundation

    til shes older, its

    ganna like ruin her

    skinn & it looks fake : ]

    hopeee i helpedd.

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