
13 year old male cat who pee's everywhere!?

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Hi I have a beloved 13 year old male cat (also have a 12 1/2 year old female) who in the last 2 years has decided that his litter box is not good enough for him. I have change the box and given him enough attention but this is still happening, I love him to death but I am getting to a point where I do not want anyone coming into my house due to the smell that is there. He was neutered when he was old enough and is a indoor cat only. I am feeling like my options are becoming limited...HELP!




  1. The sad thing is that you really can't do anything about it.

    he can't help it.


    you could try putting his nose in it and firmly say NO!

  2. The answer screams a medical problem.  There is something that makes him associate the litter box with painful urination.  If he is defecating in the litter box, then it is not a litter box problem.

    A urinary tract infection, kidney stones, etc. can be a cause.  And while a bit young for dementia, that can happen.

    So time for a trip to the vet to see what is really bothering him.

  3. That problem is usually due to the old age of the cat. As the cat gets senile, it chooses to pee anywhere. They usually can't help it.

  4. Time to take the cat to the vet..older cats commonly get bladder or urinary tract infections. Your cat may be desperately trying to tell you something is wrong..get him checked out soon.  

  5. my cat had crystals too. maybe hes gettin them back???

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