
13 year old masturbation question. Help!

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alright I'm 13 and when I jerk off right when I guess climax or get to the best part this clear sticky liquid comes out. Not much though. Is it precum or sperm??




  1. pre ***

  2. at 13 its probably semenal fluid without sperm but you will produce sperm soon enough. as long as it feels good just enjoy it.

  3. pre *** you may be to young to produce *** yet.But keep it up and it will shoot *** for you soon

  4. Lol thats sperm.

  5. if its clear its pre com, it supposed to clean out the old sperm and stupp befor u com and use as lube

    i think

  6. oh geez kid... I think you're dying...

  7. If it's clear, it's usually s***n without sperm. Eventually as you develop farther into puberty, you will notice your s***n will become a milky white colour.

  8. precum

    message at

  9. That is s***n, which comes out when you get to the best part. Pre-ejaculate comes out before that and not all guys have a noticeable amount.

    Sperm is the name for the little cells that are in s***n and sometimes pre-ejaculate which provide the man's genetic part for having a baby.

  10. If it comes out when you climax, then it's s***n, which may or may not contain sperm.

    Precum is just a very small amount that sometimes sort of leaks out along the way, before the climax. Not all guys get precum.

    They might both be clear when you first start to m********e, but later on the s***n will get more whitish as your body develops.

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