
13 year old party ideas?

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help me. a mature party please




  1. if you have a pool have a pool party but if not then head to the beach with your closest friends and just dance,listen to music,swim, just party and have fun and then maybe you can bring a few of them to your house for a sleepover!!!!

  2. striperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  3. water fighhhttt!!!!!!!!!!!! and spa!!! it's fuun  :) verrryy mature

  4. Hmmm 13 is a tricky one. You're between the ages when you think  birthday hats and lame birthday party games are awesome. (I grew out of that stuff at about 11 and didn't realise that it was cool again until I was about 18)

    Parties at a bowling alley, go karting or laser tag venues are usually pretty good. If it's for a girl then a sleepover could go down alright; movies, pizza, marco-polo style games in a dark room. A jumping castle? This really depends on the kid but while they may sound childish they're SOOO much fun and not hugely expensive (depending on your budget). Friends of mine have hired them for little kids parties and find that the 'big kids' usually get the most fun out of them.

    A friend of mine also had a dress up party in the evening for her 13th and we had a couple of (supervised) drinks because after all, they're a teenager now and they're bound to start drinking soon anyway. In my opinion it's always better to condone a small amount of supervised alcohol from the very beginning rather than banning it and ending up with a child that lies about it (a bit off track I know but it's just an idea) of course this is assuming all the other parents of the children agree.

  5. Knicto's idea was pretty funny but I would go with a mall scavenger hunt. It's pretty fun and not little kid~ish because my friend (we are turning 15) is planning to have that as her party. You can put things on a list to do and then whoever wins gets a special gift or something. Some things can include

    1. getting 5 pictures with hot guys

    2. getting 2 hott guys facebook or phone number

    and other things


  6. depends, wanna outside party, an inside party, or a party away from the place in which you live?

    if you want an outside one, then i reccomend you buya lot of food and invite everyone you know to youre house and listen to music and dance and stuff like that.

    inside partay- sleeeeepoverrrr those are always fun!

    id have to know about the area you live in to tell you about a party away from ur house.  

  7. No: stripers,alcoholl.

    Yes: horseback riding, slumber party, or a movie

  8. a keg and a stripper

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