
13 year old use ebay without consent?

by  |  earlier

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I am 13 and want to make a little cash. I cant help around the house and i am not old enough for a job. Is it okay for me to sell my things (not my parents or siblings things) on ebay without my parents knowing about it? Also, when you sell something on ebay how does the money get to you?




  1. Unless you are 18, you can't open an eBay account.   You can use your parents account, but that would be only with their permission.

    Ditto for Paypal.  You can't even cash money orders if you don't have an ID.

    PS, how exactly did you pay for your things?  If your parents paid for something that they gave you, they could be rather upset to find out that you sold it without their okay.  Some parents get real touchy on even things you paid for with your allowance or Christmas money.

  2. You must be 18 to open an Ebay account.

  3. I am curious: why can't you help around the house?  While you are not old enough for a "job", you are old enough to make your own money.  There are many things that you can do:

    Mow lawns

    Weed gardens

    Wash cars

    Shovel walks in the winter


    Wash windows

    Be a soccer referee (you only have to be 13 to get certified)

    Decide what jobs you will do, make a flyer, and pass it around the neighborhood.  If you do a good job, you will get a good reputation and you will have as much work as you can handle.

    You need parental consent to buy/sell on eBay of you are a minor.  Sorry.

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