
13 year old walking to school?

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okay so I'm 13 and I'm just starting 8th grade and I'm going to a new school called palm springs middle. its half a mile away from my house and its like super easy to commute there i just have to go straight down the sidewalk but for half a mile. a few kids walk to the same school and theres an elementary school on the way.

i was just wondering if it was alright for a 13 year old to be walking half a mile to school in hialeah? im responsible and i always have my one with me and it would be early in the morning like at 8:00 and ten after school.




  1. There's nothing wrong with walking to school. I've done it for years. Even through the park where someone attempted to rape me not too long ago. Ever since then my mom has been bringing me to school, even though it's a mile away.

    Just be confident when you walk and everything will be alright.  

  2. Yes, **** some dudes along the way though

  3. yeah,you'll be fine. Its not like its unusual for a 13 year old to go out with out an adult.

  4. ya i've been walking to school since the 1st grade. You'll be fine especially since your responsible.

  5. Yeah ,

    you'll be fine .

    I've been walking to school since I was 5 ,

    I started walking alone when I was 11 .

    and I have to walk longer then a mile and I start in the rich neighbourhood, walk through the getto , and then go into the average suberb , then finally get to school .  

  6. You should be okay, as long as it's a safe place to walk.

  7. I'm sorry but you are 13. Most kids are walking or getting a bus / train or tube by 11 at least when they go to secondary school. You will be fine! If you are worried you could always just walk with the other kids. Or you could always bike there - 1/2 mile would take no time.

  8. I think it would be fine.  You are old enough to know right from wrong.

  9. You're fine.  I walk to school and back all the time.  And most of the time I'm by myself.  As long as you're careful there is nothing to worry about.

  10. you don't already walk to school by yourself?? YES YOU WILL BE FINE.

  11. You could call your local police department for the crime rate in your area. It' s good to always have your cell phone on you, just remember if it's in your purse or pocket the bad guy is not gonna wait for you to dig it out. Look for safety tips on the net, if I find one quickly I will post it for you,,,,if look.

    here's a site for you to look at

  12. if it's really close....go for it

  13. being thirteen and walking isnt the issue. the important thing you must keep in mind is that u have to be very very careful and take all of the precautions you can in order to avoid any trouble. you will already know of all of the precautions to take when crossing a road etc such as listening out for traffic, making sure the road is clear before you cross etc - now all you need to do is make sure you apply them.

    if you do not feel very comfortable walking on your own, what you may want to do is arrange to walk with a friend. not only would this also be a lot more fun and enjoyable, you will also find you feel a lot more secure whilst socialising.

    if you feel uncomfortable wlaing along a particular road or in a certain place - make sure you avoid it. you will feel a lot more secure and comfrotable and you will also be helping avoid any tight spots.

    always be aware of your surroundings and alert.

    sometimes avoiding shortcuts is a good idea, especially snickets and tight spots - even if uou are in a hurry.

    make sure you know your route and that ur parents are aware of it.

    do what you are comfortable doing - dont do anything that your instinct tells you is unwise or dangerous - because it probably will be.

  14. yeah.

  15. yeah I'm sure you'll be ok. i walked to school by myself starting in 3rd grade. It's only half a mile and your on a sidewalk and there is plenty of kids and schools along the way.  

  16. Yeah i think u should be fine.

  17. yeah i started walkin 2 skool in 6th grade when i was 11

  18. well ofcourse its okay. its not far? why wouldnt it be okay? your definetly old enough.  

  19. i think its perfectly fine. i started walking a mile n 1/2 to and from scl n the 7th grade and i didn't have a fine then.

  20. yeah. duh

  21. It's probably fine if your mother is allowing you to do it. I wouldn't worry too much especially since it's not like you're walking down back alleys.

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