
13 yr old moving to a new school. Can you answer some Q's?

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Hi! This fall i am moving to a new school (8th Grade).

A country girl --> city. I'm pretty excited, but I need some help...

(I've never been to another school before)

1) How should I approach people at lunch tables the first day?

2) Should I introduce myself, or should I wait for someone to approach me?

And can anybody give me some tips and cautions too?






  1. okay when you go to the school try and see what clix are what. don't look shy and don't seem crazy. ask questions if u want. and don't care what anyone thinks of you. and you won't have any problems.  also do what you do best and others who like the same things will talk to you.

  2. Hi,

    I'm also 13 going into 8th grade and I have some advice for you. Most middle schools have teams, a group of about 100 kids(in my schools case) that all have the same teachers. Chances are when you get to home room you will be able to choose your seat or depending on the teacher will have assigned seats. If your seat is assigned to you, just try and talk with the other people in your group and introduce yourself and try and start a conversation. Maybe ask if they saw a movie or tv show the other night etc. If you get to pick your seat just sit with a group of girls and try and do the same thing. As you switch from class to class I think you will already have a few friends to sit with by lunch time! Also some teachers will usually let each person say like 3 interesting things about them or something like that, listen closely to what people say and you can find people that have the same interests as you. Good luck!

  3. i'd wait to see if anyone approaches you...and if not then approach someone. ur prob not gonna be friends w/ many people until a few days after u takes some time

    hoped i helped...(i'm not some old guy that has no clue what hes talking about...i'm in high school) haha

  4. Introduce yourself and just be nice.  You'll be fine. =]

  5. HI! My daughter is going to a new school, this fall, actually tomorrow ha ha! but anyways, you should totally just go out and take a risk! it's up to you whether you wanna approach people or not just remember to have an open mind when meeting people! never judge a book by its cover! good luck

  6. the best thing to do is introduce yourself and come on as a very warm and confident person. i really respect new kids who do that at my school. also, if someone is like, staring at you or you can see they are interested in talking to you, make the first move and go up to them and introduce yourself.  

  7. look around if this school have any forum , online community , chatroom or anything like that and try to make friends with peoples in there so when you go to the new school you would already have your people ready and waiting for you.

  8. The best thing to do is talk to everyone. For the first few weeks, sit with different people at lunch everyday to see where you fit in. Be friendly and nice. If you be yourself, you'll probably find kids that you'll fit in perfectly with. Good luck.

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