
137 and climbing a barrel of oil now by winter whats going to happen ?

by Guest45279  |  earlier

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At this rate Oil & Grain prices going up ,this coming Winter a long and cold one , What will you do. ? I see a lot of suffering to happen with the poor.




  1. Your going to owe your soul to the government/Oil CO store. Tax's and profits, nice to see yourself as a dollar sign.

  2. the speculation will stop and prices will come crashing down .. that is why opec isn't raising production... production already exceeds demand... the problem is people are GAMBLiNG with oil futures...

    the only thing that will make these prices hold out is if there are a couple of really bad gulf hurricanes that damage the Texas city refinery area.

  3. I'm concerned, but not for myself since I have solar power and my whole entire house is powered by electricity, but the biggest reason for oil to keep going up is that it's being traded on the commodities market.  People keep buying oil commodities and it is forcing the price of oil up as well.  It is no doubt the richer people who are buying these and once again we have the rich profiting while the poor freeze in the winter.  

    It's terrible but how do you get the humans to STOP picking on the humans.  It would take a presidential decree and that's not likely from an oil president.  Bush will let the whole country go down in flames in order to support his oil buddies who paid for his election.


    Peace ... The Only thing We can Do is PRAY to the Universe or to the God of Your Choice!

  4. You're right: the poor will suffer even more. That's because our governments (and most people) just don't care enough.

    In the short term, oil will make our gas prices rise to European levels, at least $1.50 a litre.

    In the longer term, more of us will switch to economical cars; we'll insulate our homes better. And smart people will switch to public transit, which inevitably will grow to accommodate more riders.

  5. $150.00 before its over.

    Amazing how some people think that others should work hard to get "wealth" then have it taken from them to give away.

  6. The poor and the rest of us have been the victims of the GREEN people. No drilling, no Nuke plants, no new refining facilities, making alcohol from our food.... All these things have made us more dependent on others for energy and have now raised the prices on all other daily needs. But we are green!!!! Doesn't it feel good to be green?

  7. Hopefully those who are wealthy will chose to donate some of the wealth to the needy.  Just think of that, instead of government programs, people actually helping each other.  Is this a novel idea.


    Common Sense -   If you took the time to read my comment, you would have observed that I would rather not have government programs, instead it would be better if those who are wealthy would help the working poor. That was at one time considered the greatness of our country, the ability to help one another without government intervention.


  9. We are headed for a global financial depression if we don't stop listening to the radical environmentalists.

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