
13Y/O Budgie with damaged leg and still making its way up to perch?

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my budgie got his foot caught couple of weeks ago and was lying at bottom of cage since but this morning when i woke up, he was churpin away on the highest perch.. he is also 13y/o.

do you all think he is a wee fighter lol




  1. he/she will be ok, Budgies *(and other birds are very resilient)

    A rat, weasel, whatever got into my avairy one day and bit the leg off one of the birds..he-she is disabled, but still going strong.

  2. Use a swan vesta as a splint and put sand paper in the bottom of his cage.

  3. poor thing, hope he's ok

  4. This most likly just means that he bent his muscles and the grew a different way but it shouldn't be hurting him know.  I have a baby red belly whose I think parents accidently sat on him when he was still in the nest and his muscle just grew the wrong way so his leg always sticks out.  But he got used to it and he runs and it is just like he is normal.  If your bird is on the perches than he is fine you don't have to try to fix it.  When this first happens I am sure he is in pain so don't bother with putting him in pain agian trying to fix it and don't "drug up" your bird!

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