
13th birthday campout ideas?

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for my 13th birthday party i am having a campout in my backyard w. about 10-15 of my friends.....i dont want it to be to kiddish though....any ideas????




  1. Oh yh these people really help...I am 12, 13 in November. Me and my friends would sleep in a tent with music and a bunch of cd's/ ipod holder. we would do the regular marshmellow campfire eating fun, and we would basically dance, take pictures, and be complete idiots. taking pictures was the funniest part. if you have a you can post it on there or just make a little Computer scrapbook for your self and ur memories. And thx for the b-day party idea lol. We would also play hide and go seek tag around mid-night.

  2. hot dogs and burgers are great for any age.  Grill up your burgers and dogs and put little bowls of things like relish, onions, cheese, catsup, mustards, chili and let everyone create their own burger or dog.  You can also grill up some chicken drumsticks or wings.  

    For desserts you can have things like cupcakes, cookies, icecream or popsickles are great or you can make fruit salad for a healthier dessert.  Just buy alot of your favorite fruits and mix all together.  You can look on and find different type of fruit salads or a watermelon boat.  That is where you cut a watermelon to look like a basket or boat and fill it up with alot of different fruits.  You can also get some wooden skewers and make fruit kabobs.

    Smores are always good at campouts along with roasted marshmallows.  Popcorn is cheap and great for anytype of party.  If you buy jiffy pop type popcorn you can make it right on the grill.  chips are good along with pretzels, peanuts in the shell,

    buy lots of pop in cans or small bottles or make koolade if budget is of importance.

    Have fun, tell spooky stories, sing songs.  Good luck

  3. Why dont you have a bonfire, make smores, roast marshmellows, tell stories, play manhunt.


    Monkey See, Monkey Do: (Play around a campfire)

    Select one person to be 'it' and give them a flash light and have them leave the area.

    Select another person to be the monkey and have 'it' come back.  The monkey then begins to make faces and actions which the other players copy.  'It' must try to figure out who the monkey is.

    Flashlight Tag or flashlight freeze tag.

    Going on a Camping Trip:

    Have everyone in a circle.  First person begins with "I'm going on a camping trip and I'm going to bring (something that starts with the letter a), next b, c, etc.   With everyone repeating what was said before them.

    Luminarias, or candle lanterns, can lend an extra glow to a stargazing party, an outdoor storytelling session or a night hike. To create a classic luminaria, nest a candle in a small brown paper bag, half filled with sand. For a stained-glass effect, glue colored tissue paper over cutouts in the bag. Or make the luminaria pictured here by saving your soda can and following the four steps below.


    1 empty soda can


    Craft knife


    Votive candle

    Small s***w-in hook

    20-inch wooden dowel

    Thin wire for hanging

    1. Draw two lines around the can, the first 1 inch down from the top of the can and the second 1 inch up from the bottom of the can. Using the craft knife (an adult's job), make straight cuts between the top and bottom lines 1/2 to 3/4 inches apart.

    2. Once you've cut all the way around the can, make a cut across the bottom of two adjacent strips to create an opening for the candle. Wearing gloves, carefully pull the two strips away from the can. Next, use the pencil to bend out the remaining strips, while slightly pressing the top of the can so it has a squatty, Chinese lantern-like shape.

    3. Pass the candle through the opening and use a drop of melted wax to attach it to the bottom of the can. Next, bend the two cut strips and tuck them into place inside the can.

    4. s***w the hook into one end of the wooden dowel. To hang, loop a length of wire between the hook and the circular opening on the soda can tab.

    Blind Man Hike

    (this is a good warm-up game before it gets dark. Make sure your leader is attentive!): what you will need:

    • rope approximately 15 to 20 feet (a long jump rope works well)

    • blindfolds for each of the participants

    Space people evenly along the rope and blindfold them (younger kids may want to close their eyes instead of being blindfolded). The leader is not blindfolded. Each person holds the rope with one or both hands, then the leader slowly pulls the rope and leads everyone around, over, and through various obstacles, calling out instructions such as ‘step up’, or duck under’, when necessary. Take turns being the leader.

    Night Tag

    what you will need:

    • flashlight for the person who is IT

    • laundry basket with a ball, beanbag, or a small object in it

    The object of the game is for the players to retrieve the ball from the laundry basket. The person who is IT can freeze the players with one bolt of light from the flashlight. The person who is frozen can be freed by the touch of another player. The first person to retrieve the ball is IT next.  

    Shoe Snarl

    Have everyone remove their shoes and place them in a pile. Stir and mix the shoes up like a big tossed salad. Gather in a circle around the pile. On the count of three have the children try and find their shoes. The first person to get both shoes on and tied wins.

    Night Visitors

    This is a nice bridge to bedtime after the crazy energy of Shoe Snarl and Night Tag. Many insects are attracted to light, and the children can inspect them closely with their magnifying glasses (a take home party favour with the flash light).

    What you will need:

    • a large flat white sheet

    • magnifying glass per child

    • flashlight per child

    Hang the sheet from a clothesline, tree, or drape it around a shrub. Shine the flashlights onto the sheet to attract insects.  Have the kids take turns inspecting the bugs with their magnifying glasses. Count how many different kinds of night visitors you have.


    Build a Banana Split It is a kid’s dream to make his or her own ice cream concoction from the ground up! This is a sure hit!

    What you will need:

    Cans of whipping cream, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream, bananas (peeled and split down the centre), chopped nuts, chocolate and strawberry syrup, marshmallow, cream,

    crumbled chocolate cookies, M & M’s

    Spread all the banana split makings on a picnic table and provide big bowls, spoons, scoops, and plenty of napkins. Invite the kids to begin.  

    Breakfast Buffet

    Breakfast the next morning is a snap with this buffet. Each child can eat when she is ready and help herself.

    What you will need:

    A variety of breakfast cereals and granola, individual yogurts, milk, orange juice, cut up fruits, cut up pastries and toast

    Set out the breakfast buffet on the picnic table. Provide bowls, small plates, juice glasses and napkins.

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