
14-20 is that so bad?

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ok I'm 14 n im a boy. ive been goin out with this girl for a long time and we make out alot but 1 problem she is 20 years old. she keeps askin for me to have s*x with her but i told her i dont know how. every time i see her she acts really s**y with me and keeps asking to have s*x , i love her and she loves me but plz help me on what to do plz




  1. She is too mature for you. what is going to happen is that you may not be able to handle the emotional outcome of getting involved with her. this is the reason the law call it rape. Stay away from her. talk to your parents and/or a school counselor.  

  2. It's NOT love. You are only 14, you are just a kid. I can understand you not knowing any better but at 20 she should know better. It's ILLEGAL and she is nothing but a pedophile and she should be in jail where she belongs. PURPLE is wrong, YOU CANNOT CONSENT you are not even at the legal age of consent, it is ILLEGAL and it is RAPE.


  3. you do NOT love eachother.

    seriously..girls can be pedophiles to you know!

    call the police and report her

    this is illegal..and the girl below me..dang....

  4. You're not in love with her. You just think you are. She is way to old for you and she should be mature enough to know that. You're only 14 and you shouldn't even be thinking about s*x yet... and you shouldn't be dating someone who is 20. You should know that when you starting going out with her, that she was going to be more into relationships that are more adult.  

  5. You are a young teenager this woman is an adult. Compared to this woman you are a child.  She could get into serious trouble if she has s*x with you its called statutory rape. This woman is pedophile and clearly wants only one thing. You really wonder why she cant find a man closer to her own age who is actually an adult.  This woman will likely dump you once you sleep with her she will go on for other prey. This is a game to her and once she has you where she wants you then most likely Game over time to find a new Young teen.

  6. well, the question is.. are u ready?? and as long as she doesnt force you/ rape you. then this wont be a problem as long as you dont let ur parents know lol.. i think.. it depends what kind of parents u have..

    Its illegal... legally speaking ...

    for me its not, i met by boyfriend at 14 years old he was 20 also. now we are together still.. we live wiht each other.. as long as u are mature enough to know what u are doing and as long as she doesnt rape you. lol.. good luck!  oh yeah .. do wat u want.. u wanna do her. do her!

    IF u dont want to.. then dont let her! thats considered raping.

  7. Hehehe...More of these teenage dramas! Same old stories.

    Do what you want - don't be pressured! When your ready!


    Good Luck  

  8. Maybe your g*y.  At 14 I would have done knot holes. LOL  boys will be boys.

  9. The question you have to ask yourself is what does a 20year old woman see in a 14 year old boy. It's all about control - her control over you. Dump her and find someone around your own age, who doesn't pressure you to do things you're not ready for and who wants to be with you for the right reasons. Good luck!

  10. wait till you are 16, if this is really happening.

    If not she is committing child sexual abuse.

  11. you may not see it now, but there is something seriously wrong with that woman. plus, if she really did love you, she would respect your wish to wait longer. this can only end in heartbreak. i'm sorry. i went through the same kind of thing. as you age you began to see things for what they really are.

  12. When ever you feel ready, but it's your 1st time so either way your still gonna be scared and not no what to do, you learn from experince.

    Just make sure your ready
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