
14 And g*y???? Or Am I Like In A Phase?

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O.k Im 14 a Freshmen and i think girls are Cute Butt When I See Like A Boy Wearing American Eagles Clothes And Stuff Like That I Say To My Self Man He Is HOTT!!!!!!!!!!

I Cant Help It But To Think About Like Kissing The Boy I Never Dated A Boy Before Butt i Have Strong Feelings With Them I Always Want To Hug Or Like Kiss One When I See One That Is HOTT Butt With A Girl Im LIke O.k Ur Cute Butt Would Not Date U Butt If A Cute Boy Ask Me Out I Would Say Yes Butt Have To Kept It A Secret From My Family!!!! Because My Dad Said He Will Kill Me If I Was g*y!!!!!

Butt I JUST Cant Help If Boy Are Hott Or Catch My Eye More!!!! i Just LIke There Body Structure and knowing that they can please me and i can please them LOL!!!!! Idk It Weird I dont know wat to do!!




  1. May be a phase I don't know,


    Not every sentence is like this..."I Like To Type Every Word With Caps Because It Makes Me Feel Smart"

    PLEASE quit!

  2. be yourself?

  3. You seem to be g*y. Don't feel rushed to tell your dad, though, come out to him when you feel ready (it may take years). Take your time, there's no rush. The process of exploring one's sexuality can be long. Experiment a little and wee what works for you.

  4. yeah, i know what you mean.

    i think some girls are really hot, but i never think about doing anything with them.

    i had my first boyfriend in 7th grade.

    the relationship was pretty serious.

    but eventually we broke up and he got crazy and told my family about the whole thing.

    so i advise you not to get into a relationship unless you really know the guy.

    you might be going through a phase though. or you're probly just confused.  i'm pretty confused now, i have no idea what i am.

    its this whole thing with everyone turning g*y/ coming out and g*y marriages. its sort of becoming a trend.

  5. Assuming your question is sincere (there are trolls everywhere):

    To answer your last question: You don't need to do anything, except relax and take a deep breath.

    Are you g*y? Are you in a so-called phase? Well, it really doesn't matter. The fact is, despite what some nasty homophobes say, men are born with whatever sexual orientation they have. Why? We don't know, but it doesn't matter. The point is you are what you are, g*y or straight.

    Remember, you're 14 and your hormones are raging like rapids on the Colorado River. Does this mean you're g*y? No, but it means that you're likely to have attractions to boys and girls.

    Nevertheless, according to what you say I'd think it's pretty likely that you're g*y. Now, being g*y isn't by itself a problem; it's peoples' reactions that are sometimes a problem. Your dad might be a problem--or not. Fathers say things they really don't mean.

    But even if you're g*y, there's no need now to announce it. Many boys these days do come out in high school, but most wait until they're in college. It's a chance for g*y men and lesbians to establish themselves AS THEY ARE in a new community.

    I hope this helps.

  6. it's a phase. you'll change when you learn.

  7. If you learn to punctuate I might be able to read your question, but the fact that every word begins with a capital and you use ten exclamation marks when one will do makes my brain hurt.

    Don't worry about ebing g*y though. you are who you are. if you find you like boys don't deny it and your parents should accept you and if they don't well then that's their problem and you'll have to figure your way around that. i think that was the question...

  8. Thats what im like. I apreciate that a girl looks good, but don't want to pursue a relationship, or love them for that matter. guys are hot. all the way g*y man, all the way!

  9. dude just because yor 14 and g*y means nothing!i saw this little 8 year old g*y boy once!everyone is srating to come out since that same s*x marriage law got approved!And bye the way girls dig g*y guys...

  10. Just go after what you believe in.  Your dad won't kill you, no father would.  He's just afraid... for you.  He knows about the constant struggle that some g**s face, and he just wants you to have a happy and fulfilling life.

    There's nothing wrong with being g*y.

  11. Well mate im 16 and still denie the fact i like boys but im coming out it either a phase your going thrugh or you are g*y be your self and your dad won't kill you he may dis own u but i dought he do that .

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