
14 Months on Bottle?

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My daughter is 14 months old and is still on bottles. She has 2 bottom teeth now also. I had been trying to get her to switch to milk in a sippy cup for 2 months and finally gave up and gave her the bottles back, since she just would not drink milk out of the cup. She drinks everything else out of the sippy cups though. Should I try to switch to milk in a cup again? Or just give it more time?




  1. I was watching a T.V program with a 3 year old still on a bottle and the said to just take the top of the bottle. After a while they understand. Also try letting her pick her own make it fun for her. Good luck with the BIG GIRL CUP problems. (Also you could try just giving it to her at night) OR quite cold turkey.

  2. water down the milk bottle, and water up the sippy cup.

    for 2 days, give her 6oz milk, mixed with 2 oz water...

    next 2 days do 5oz milk, 3 oz water,

    next 2 days 4 oz milk, 4 water

    next 2 days 3 oz milk, 5 oz water...

    etc...til its all water, and she may loose interest in the bottle.

    then u water up a sippy cup, same as above only reversed...

    for 2 days mostly fill a sippy cup with water, and some milk..

    then keep adding more milk with less water over the next few days and she should get adjusted.

    if that doesnt work she may not be ready yet...and try this again in 3 or 4 months...

    good luck!

  3. buy nubby sippy cups she will prolly love them

  4. There are a couple ways to go about this...

    1.  You could take your daughter shopping and have her pick out the sippy cups that she would like to use (like color.)

    2.  Have a ceremony to say good-bye to the bottles.  (getting a book might help.)

    3.  Have her "help you" give them to someone you know who has a baby.  (This one works usually the best.)

    4.  Magically make them disappear overnight.

    5.  Having her throw them away.

  5. Throw the bottles away, get them out of the house.  If she wants milk, she'll just have to drink it out of a sippy cup.  She may cry for the bottle but it won't last long.  She'll figure it out that if she wants milk, she has to drink it out of that cup.  It will be a long few weeks for you durring the process but once it's over, you'll be glad you did it.

  6. My daughter was the same at about that age...she would drink juice/water out of her sippy cup but not milk, it had to be in her bottle only. What I did was just get rid of the bottles cold turkey. And started giving her milk in a sippy cup with her meals (that way the food would usually make her thirsty enough to want to drink her milk) Eventually she got so she didn't mind drinking milk from her cup.

    Just keep at it. Its not the end of the world if she doesn't want to drink milk right now, just make sure you give her lots of dairy in the mean time like cheese, yogurt etc...and sneak milk into foods when you can (cereal, scrambled eggs etc) All they need is 16 oz of milk per day at this age anyway, which really isn't that much.

  7. trying to give my son milk in a sippy didn't work at first.

    i had to use the "cold turkey" method.  i just took the bottles away completely.  for a few days he was really upset and cried a lot.  he got over it within the week.

    he didn't get much milk for a few days, but after that he learned it was sippy or nothing.  he was fine with it after he forgot about bottles.

  8. get rid of the bottles, and give her a sippy cup with milk and some saltine crackers.  My baby girl drank everything out of a sippy too  but milk and this is what my mother in law told me to do.  She really isn't that big of a milk drinker now at 8 but i make sure she gets plenty of cheese, yogurt, ice cream, things with the vitamins she needs to make her bones strong.

  9. I would keep offering it to her in a sippy cup every time you want to give her milk, eventually she will get it.  

  10. Throw out the bottles now! Trust me, it's easier on you, lol. I am currently trying to wean my 20 month old from her bedtime and nap bottle, and it's not fun. If she gets thirsty enough, she will drink the milk. It could also seem a little thick to her, cause you get that coating on the back of the throat when drinking dairy, so try maybe watering it down and first and work up to straight milk.

    Good luck!  
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