
14 - No Period, I think...?

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I am 14 years old, born on the 10th july.

About 3 months ago, I thought i had my first period but it was very light. That next month i had it on the same date (or around that date) and it was a little heavier. I haven't had any signs of another period for a bit over a month now. I have been worrying for ages because all my friends have started properly and have regular periods. Is something wrong, is this normal? Please help.






  1. When you first start your period its going to be irregular for about 2 years maybe more. I wouldnt worry about it.

  2. it is very normal....... for the first little while they wont be completely normal..... i have been on my period for about 5 years now and it still isnt a little normal....... just dont worry so much about it and it will come...... stressing out about it can cause it to be even more late.

  3. This is totally normal, especially when you are first starting to menstruate your periods will be light than heavy, and have no rhyme or rhythm to them.  I wouldn't worry about anything being wrong with you, usually after a few years of menstruating you will find that your body settles into more of a pattern(every 28 days or so getting a period).  Congrats on getting your period for the first time-this is a very big and exciting step in a woman's life.  

  4. no that's normal!

    it takes some girls like 2 or 3 years or even more to be having them regularly!

    your all good in the hood !! lol


  5. Well since you just had your first period your body has to get use to this cycle. It is normal to skip months when you just start it will take a while for it to get regular. My periods were like that for a while they still like to play jokes on me sometimes now (lol) =)

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