
14 Weeks Pregnant, Stopped Peeing Alot?

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  1. you lucky women. I'm not prego and I pee all the time!!!!


    good luck

  2. yes be thankful the phase is over

  3. u r lucky ..u dun hv to visit toilet alwiz..

    mine is a complete tired of going to toilet!!

    ~16 weeks~

  4. Perfectly normal, hormones in the first trimester are what usually causes frequent urination, and usually subsides durring the second trimester, but don't worry it will return in the third trimester once the baby begins to weigh more and finds your bladder as a nice resting spot!  

  5. It's very normal for symptoms to come and go and for some symptoms to completely subside. I really wouldn't worry at all about a decrease in urinating...

    Trust me, I'd be happy, my bubs is booting me in the bladder and sitting on my bladder all the time. So I constantly feel like I have to pee.

  6. Yes this is okay but don't get comfy, the frequent urination will resume as you get bigger. Hopefully you won't be like me and wake up every hour on the hour to pee. Talk about no sleep.

  7. Yep, in the 2nd trimester some women stop peeing as much as they did in their 1st trimester. Unfortunately that wasn't me. :)  Then again, in the 3rd trimester, women start peeing a lot again because there isn't a ton of room in there! :)

  8. yep. its fine. the constant peeing will return with a vengance the 3rd trimester.

  9. yes normal infact you may find that your hardly ever peeing which freaked me out too but now i am peeing all over again currently 30 weeks...

    good luck


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