
14 Year Old Cat With Ulcer...HELP

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My cat had this big bump on her stomach and then it kind of deflated and was leaking puss. (no real polite way to describe it...sorry!) my mom checked her out yesterday and said it was an ulcer. Once she gets home we're going to clean it up with hydrogen peroxide and then put some neosporin on it.

Will that help?

I'm really worried, I mean I know she isn't going to be around forever she is just my baby and I'm scared that I'm going to lose her. We can't afford to take her to the vets, h**l we can't even afford a gallon of milk right now.

Help Please...I'm worried!




  1. If you really can't afford to see the vet, that sounds like a good plan of action. I am just a little worried that it might be more serious and need a doctor's care - the longer you wait the bigger the vet will be in the end.

  2. This should help a bunch. Dont worry cats are tougher than you think!

  3. it is an abcess, not an ulcer. our dog, whos the same age, just had the same problem. We ended up giving her pain reliever so she would eat then we took her to the vet and they lanced/stitched her up. It wasnt too expensive because we said: "this is going to be cheap, right?" and now shes fine. Do your best to persuade the vet to make it cheap, and if you still cant afford it, do whatever you can to keep her eating/drinking, and hopefully the infection will dissepate. ill be praying for you

  4. yes it should help but if not get some more info online

  5. It's not an ulcer.  It's abscess - an infection.  The topical stuff (peroxide and neosporine) isn't going to be enough to keep your cat from developing a much more serious infection that could be fatal.  The cat probably will need drains put in to drain out the pus and a course of antibiotics to get rid of the infection and get better.  Bottom line - you need a vet.  See if your vet will do a payment plan or will work through Carecredit to get the bill paid.

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