
14 and could be depressed...?

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ok im really confused at the moment. im a 14 year old girl named felicity.

i think i may have depression but im not sure and i dont now what to do about it.

heres everything.

when i was 9 months old my dad died of meningococal and that has been something that i have really been having a hard time trying to deal with over the last 2 years, then not long ago my mum gave me a letter that my dad started writing to me when i was 5 weeks old, she also told me that my dad knew that he wasnt going to live to see me grow up. this made everything worse.

then in 2005, my uncle died of a brain tumor he was like the person who took on the role of my father, he was always there for me when i needed him and then the next thing you know...hes gone too.

also i have a really bad relationship with my mum, i feel like everything i say to her she takes as a joke, even when im being dead serious, its like she is ttrying to live the life she wanted through me. and i hate her for it, i feel like im being held back from doing the things i want to do in my life because she keeps putting me down about things.

i cry myself to sleep everynight and have lately been starting to cut myslef and have been thinking about committing suicide for a few months now.

please dont tell me to see a counsellor i already tried that and nothing changed.

what can i do?




  1. You are seriously depressed. Tell your mom you need to see a dr. If she won't take you then go to the school nurse or a trusted teacher and tell her. Show her where you have been cutting yourself. They will see that you get help.

    Cutting is not going to help you. It might help you distance yourself from the pain for a while but it won't take care of the problem. You need a therapist to help you learn how to handle your problems and you need to talk to a dr to see if you should be on meds for a while.

    Please talk to someone who can help you.

  2. Hi Felicity! It sounds like things are very difficult for you and I'm really sad for you and what you're going through.  Each one of the things you've shared would be enough for someone to feel depressed.  But when you share that you've thought about suicide for a few months now, that's more than feeling down and depressed- that can be a sign of severe depression.  

    Some of the other signs of depression are not being able to focus or concentrate, and not being able to control your thoughts (like you start thinking about something and it just keeps going through your mind even if you don't want it to).

    It sounds like you didn't have a very good experience with a counsellor.  Sometimes when you're depressed, you're not actually ready to talk about the things that are bothering you very deeply.  Depression is not just about being unhappy, it's also about a chemical problem in your brain. In real simple terms, your brain might not be getting the right messages, which is why you feel so sad all the time.

    The good news is that there are medications that you can take that will help change how you feel.  Once you're feeling better, you might be ready to talk to a counsellor who will help you share more about what you're going through.

    A doctor will be able to talk to you and know whether medication might be right for you.

    Depression is dangerous.  You are too valuable to allow it to continue.  You are worth it-and you deserve to be happy and fulfilled in your life, even with the bad stuff that's happened.

    It would be great if you could talk to your mom, but if you can't, or she doesn't listen, talk to your teacher, or school counsellor.  Talk to a friend's mom or your doctor.  You just keep talking to people about how you feel until someone listens and helps you get help!

    God bless you!  I'll be praying for you!

  3. wow..i used to be emo too...

    i know what you feel...

    but i changed because i know being emo is being selfish and people would hate me more if i didn't...

    so you should change too

    it would make life much easier..

    anyway...nothing happens without a reason..

    life will find a way to make you happy

  4. Oh ew, I know how you feel about the whole counselor thing. I sought one out to help me through the death of a little girl and I thought it was total c**p....

    But that's because I didn't have the right one. I went to another one and she seemed to speak my language. It really sucks but I think you should keep looking for counselors because just talking about can help!

    If you're hurting yourslef, you really have to talk to professional hon.  

  5. You definitely are depressed.  Your mother is also coming close to being abusive.

    I know what it feels like, to be ignored and/or, put down a lot.  When I(41yrs.-old) feel strongly about something and, my mother(67yrs.-old) gets wind of it, she will almost immediately tell me, I am overreacting.

    Since your mother treats everything you say, as if it was a joke, don't tell her anything.

    It is bad enough, that you are going through puberty, but, your mother sure doesn't seem to care.

  6. You need to speak to your mum. Even though you think she'll take it as a joke, your still her little girl.

    Try to do something that makes you happy, whatever it is, but don't cut. How would you explain to your children what those marks are? They're permanent.

    Also think about how your mum would feel if you left her in the world with no one? with everyone that has passed in your life, they've passed away in her life too, and you killing yourself might just push her over the edge too.

    As much as you might not see it, you're probably the only one she has left. The only one that makes her happy.

    Please just think about her, and trust her enough to speak to her as an adult. You will be surprised with what you can accomplish with a mature conversation.

    She CAN help you, you just need to make the first step to helping yourself first.

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