
14 and wanting birth control... but how?

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Ok...I'm 14 and my mom told me before i think I'm going to have s*x to tell her and she can put me on birth control. I'm scared to disappoint my mom, by telling her that i want to have s*x. i just don't want her to be concerned about me. i want her to trust me, in the fact that im making the right decision. i want to be protected... can you help me find a way to tell her?




  1. have a hear to heart with her

    tell her what you told us

    and make sure you know for sure you want to have s*x.

    most woman who had it at you age regreted it.

    make sure your doind it for you and only you.

    and even with birth control use a condom.

    you can love without s*x and you can have s*x without love.

    i'm 18 a virgin and god d**n proud of it

  2. thats hormones talking!

    ur too young to be having s*x and birth control at ur age is dangerous since ur not done developing. It could led to health problems later on. Wait...what is the rush?

    Believe me, wait!

  3. well obviously she wants you to be able to come to her for everything, so i don't think she'll be dissapointed when you tell her you want birth control. if anything she'll be glad that you made the right decision by telling her, and going about s*x in a safe way. just come right out and tell her. don't hesitate. just get it over with.


  4. Well if your period is really bad, irregular, or really bad cramps- you could be put on birth control for that..

    That's why I'm on it because my cramps were TERRIBLE I could barely move for the first few days. But a little after I started my B.C. I didn't have periods for a lil but then I started to have it for a few days less and my cramps are completly gone!

    I know I will probably get someone who disagree's with me but I'm in your position and I'm 15. If you wanna talk more just message me =)

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