
14 day trip.. can we start in Cancun, work our way down all the way to Guatemala City and have enough time ?

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We want to see major sites in Yucatan, Belize and Guatemala... all in 14 days. Fly into Cancun on Dec 15, take buses and shuttles allong the way, and end up in ANtigua by Sunday the 28th , and then fly out of Guatemala City back home on Dec 30. ANy suggestions? Is this a good idea for 2 women?




  1. Absolutely!  You will have MORE than enough time.  It is about a 24 hr. bus trip straight though from Cancun to Guatemala City.  Obviously you won't be doing that but it is still long enough.  You will be perfectly safe as 2 women assuming you take all the normal precautions.  The overnight busses are the way to go for the longer legs of the trip, and if you buy the most expensive bus tickets (which are not that expensive) you will feel safe and comfortable.  That route is perfect, as well, since you will basically be going directly through all the major sites you may want to see.  I believe that with 14 days you could potentially have at least 2 relaxing days in each spot.  I did almost the same trip and loved it!  I now live in Guatemala City. Feel free to write me.  Good luck!

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