
14 dpo, negative hpt....please help

by  |  earlier

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I am now 14dpo at cd26, my period is "predicted" to start tomorrow but it usually doesnt come til a tiny bit later in the month.

I have been experiencing cramps,bloating,minor headaches here and there, waves of nausea,very tender/sore b*****s, backache,constipation, and i seem to be very hungry all the time and very tired all the time.

I have been extremely faithful in my attempt to concieve until now-no positve yet.

I thought my chart looked promising even was told it was.

I have been getting a period for 10 years now and not once had any symptoms except for some mild cramping the day of. I have had it now for well over a week.

Please tell me, should i give up hope or is there still a chance.

If there is a chance when do you think I should test again.




  1. just be patient, wait a few more days and try again. If your b***s are very sore, you might be pregnant. That was my first sign with all 3 of my pregnancies

  2. If you ovulated and kept a chart then you should know the exact day when to expect the next period, about 14 days later. If the period hasn't come by 15-16 days after ovulation, chances are pretty good you are pregnant.

    3 in 4 pregnant women have a positive pregnancy test on 14 dpo, the rest have a positive test later on:

  3. I'm in the same boat, due to start AF in 3 day's. I tested today and got the BFN. Hopefully are homorne levels are just too low still and it will happen for us...Good luck sweetie:). I would say test again in a few day's but im a serial so I will be testing every day until AF shows or I get a positive:)

  4. I would wait a couple more days an test again. At least wait until the day after your period was supposed to start. (I'm due on Friday!) Good luck and Baby Dust to us all!

  5. Hey!  I was almost positive last month that I was pregnant!  I threw up once, hand cramping, really sore nipps and very tired.  I think when you're ttc your mind is a powerful thing!  When I learned about the luteal phase I found out that I have a 14-15 lp!  And I thought my period was late and it was right on time and we didn't even do it on the day I ovulated!  

    Just wait a couple of days if you don't have one of the early detection tests.  If not go to the dollar store and pee on those sticks!  Do you have a Big Lots?  They have 2 edt for $3!  Good luck.

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