
14 month old baby hitting himself?

by  |  earlier

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Any info would be helpful. My aunt and uncle are 18 and 22. They have a baby who is 14 months old. My uncle has anger issues and did that as well when he was a baby. He wasn't autistic or anything, but he just has anger issues. He only did this as a baby when he was angry. The baby does it randomly and I was just wondering if anybody has the same issue or if this is normal. He'll just do it randomly.

Please help!





  1. Unless the baby is hurting itself it isen't a huge concern. If the baby is hurting himself like if he cries after he hits himself or there are bad marks or bruises try to figure out why he does it and curb the behaviour. If he bored try playing with him more. Try and find out WHY the baby gets angry.

  2. It's completely normal and should be 100% ignored.  If the child gets ANY attention for it whatsoever, he will do it more.  In fact, the best thing to do is to turn around and walk away when he does it.  Do not say a word to him.  With kids, any attention is good attention, but they HATE being ignored.

  3. my son likes to slap his tummy and p***s when he is naked. he likes the sound and it obviously doesn't hurt him. I find it odd he likes to slap his p***s, but he laughs the whole time he does it... whatever floats his boat. see what brings it on- is it the sound? the feeling? is it emotion? is it boredom? does he get extra attention when he hits himself? if it is about attention, choose to ignore the hitting and he will eventually stop. make sure he gets plenty of attention for all sorts of other fun things, like sharing, playing and reading.

    hope i was helpful.

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