
14 month old son hasn't said his first word???

by  |  earlier

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He babbles a lot, like dadada and mamama but no real words. Sometimes I think he tries to say 'down'. I know he understands a lot, because I can ask him to do things, like go get his ball and he'll do it. I was just wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing.




  1. They say the most important thing is that they can hear you and follow directions.  Some children take longer to talk than others.  I know it's not really that helpful but if you're really concerned, you may want to contact your pediatrician and have him checked out.  There could possibly be a problem and if those things are caught early on, it's sometimes easier to fix.

  2. I answered a question simmilar to this and I'm going to just copy and pasted my answer.

    I'd talk with a specialist. It could be autisim or it could be a hearing problem.

    My brother didn't speak fully until he was 3 and it turned out he had some hearing troubles. He went through 4 sets of tubes throughout the course of 10 years. Also, his speech was affected and he couldn't say things right as an older child(three was still pronounced "thwee", sister was "sistah", and so on). Also he spoke with lisp. You should adress the problem early. Please take him to a specialist!

  3. My daughter is 14 months and also isnt talking yet.  My girl friends son is 2 years old and is just now starting to carry a conversation with you...its kinda weird, not use to

    I wouldnt be to concerned.  He is just taking his time and obsorbing all the inforamtion, and one day here soon...he is going to surprise the heck out of ya and

  4. I have a 13 month old son (soon to be 14 months) as well that does not say much of anything. He is able to say "Bye Bye Bye" and also babbles Dadadada and Mamama. I was concerned about this and spoke to his pediatrician and though he didnt seem overly concerned, he did ask if his hearing was okay, which I know it is. He is a very light sleeper and easily awakened by the smallest noises. The pediatrician said just read books to him and point to things and give them names around the house and we'll see if hes advanced by 18 months. Whats more important at this age is their receptive language- how much does he understand of what you are saying to him. I can ask my son to go to his highchair or to get his ball and 9 times out of 10, he can do it. But he still cannot say ball or highchair. Some kids just talk later than others, and it has nothing to do with intelligence. Is he getting what he wants and needs without having to say the words for it? Dont worry, Im sure our sons are just fine!  

  5. My son is almost 14 months and doesn't say any real words. He says something that sounds a lot like the abbreviation I use of his sister's name but this is a very simple one syllable sound (and he hears it all the time because I am always shouting at her of late).

    If you ask him to do things and he can understand and do them there is obviously nothing wrong with his hearing or ability to learn. All babies progress at their own rate and I am not the least bit worried about my son and neither should be.

    I think you will find that most children who learn to speak quite late are usually very quite as babies, so if he is babbling and making lots of noises this is a good sign.

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