
14 weeks pregnant and insomnia took its place again any suggestion?

by Guest21306  |  earlier

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i m 14 weeks pregnant 3 months ago had a v bad time,but since i got pregnant i started to move on i was going well my sleep was good but tonite suddenly when my mom called and talked abt my past my insomnia is back again and i m keep thinking the things happend in my past i was feeling sleepy but these thoughts bothering me alot and making my head spin now that i m 14 weeks pregnant can not evan take any medicine husband and kid is sleeping and i m awake i have no idea how to bring back my peace and sleep?any suggestions or anyone who is facing the same problem?can give me advise..thanks




  1. go and have this convo with ur doctor. DUH

  2. There are things you can take for sleep which are okay for your baby. Speak to your doctor about that. Like the other lady suggested, lavender oil is really good. Maybe a bath before bed with a few drops in it?

    And yes, you can blame the hormones for this one. I'm having the same problem but at 28 weeks. :-(

  3. First, in any circumstances, be sure you are sufficiently hydrated.  This is too often overlooked and cells cannot function without enough water.  Dr Batman...,  who wrote Your Body's Many Cries For Water says 1 oz for every two oz of body weight plus 1 1/2 times the volume of any tea, coffee, pop, or alcohol (I hope none) that you consume.  

    You must get sleep.  You can try taping a bean, like a dry kidney bean on your wrist inner side, two fingers above the bone.  I've long forgotten which side but it's worked for me.  Use either or both.

    I don't know about Frankincense and pregnancy but this is wonderful essence for sleep.  I used to use it on my wrists, just a little and diluted with a bit of oil before applying and I would drift right off.  VERy relaxing.  Used in churches to promote meditaiton.  A drop or two on tissue near your head can be useful.  Again, being pregnant good idea to check on its use first though I can't see it being harmful.  Initially when I disliked the smell I mixed in a drop of sweet orange also.  WONDERFUL!

    If all that fails, you might try S-L-O-W breathing.  'Watch' your breath go in and out.  You may want to slow count.  Just let all thoughts just drift by as you concentrate on your breath.  Breath in fully into your belly and out fully.  We don't usually breath deeply enough and need to expell stale air.  

    Allow your body to feel very very heavy as you release all muscle tension.  Tightening and releasing muscles in succession can help greatly--called progressive relaxation by Jacobson.  Emmet Miller has great relaxation recordings if you need help.  Marvelous voice. This will be usefull all your life, specially when you NEED sleep, which you will with a baby around--as you already know.

    I like to drift on a cloud or a 'magic carpet,' high above the landscape.  

    Could well be you are excited.  

    Oh dear.  You said old memories.  Well, back to the breathing and thinking of how your world is, exactly as you want it.  BELIEVE it is as you wish.  What we think of we attract more of.  If negative thoughts are trying to crowd in, say to yourself, 'cancel that,' and add a positive version.  If it's, 'oh I'm anxious, I can't sleep,'  try, 'cancel that, I feel so peaceful and relaxed.  I'm heavy and so tired.  So relaxed.'

    This may take practice but it certainly does work.  Your subconsicous cannot tell the difference between real and imagined experience.  Your world is what you tell it it is.  Your subconscious mind runs your body's show.  Your conscious mind can tell it what you want it to create and 99% of what we worry about never happens.

    How to get peace back.  Focus on peace.  Picture it in some way that's meaningful to you.  Maybe a field.  Lying on the grass looking at clouds, watching a brook.  Whatever image seems pleasing to you.

    Eckert Tolle says try saying 'oh that old tape,' when old thoughts come around.  'They are no more than that.'

    If you wake in the night try drinking a glass or two of water, go back to bed, focus on breathing, drifing and or creating the reality you do want.

    You DESERVE it.

  4. I know that everybody is different but I am going to tell you what I use to do and you can see if something similar could help you. I love scuba diving and is something I find very peaceful, being surrounded by water, seeing the fishes, being weightless, etc. So when I can not sleep, I go scuba diving in my head, I choose a place and I start gearing up in my mind, then I go into the water and start swimming around. It might seem extremely silly to you or any one reading it but it works wonders for me, it helps me getting physically as relaxed as I am when I'm underwater. Long story short, maybe you could search for something that relaxes you and visualise it. I hope this helps.

  5. lavender oil! a few drops on your pillow. it is safe during pregnancy

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