
14 year boy about having a girlfriend?

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Hi im 14 years old and i had a girlfriend throughout both of my years in jr high. I like her but wen we were walking around i didnt have anything to say i was quit so was she. any clues on wat to talk about with a girlfriend or wat to say she also loved me because we never broke up. we just separated because she went to a didnt high schools. So any clues on wat to say or wat to come up with wen on a date PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. when your on a date think of all the things you dont know about her.

    her favorite colors?

    her favorite books?


    brands or clothes?

    places in the world she would like to see?

    what turns her on?

    what she prefers in her men?

    all those types of things. and joke with her too :)

  2. Ask her what interests her. Make her laugh look her in the eyes. Be the alpha male when others boys are around her. ie. carry the conversation

  3. talk about your balls and p***s!!!  

  4. Talk to her about life, your feelings for her. Tell her how much you like her and really like her. "if you do"  

  5. Ask Her What shes Been up to or just make-out !

  6. Fourteen can sometimes be an awkward age, being a little shy, or hesitant to talk for fear of saying the wrong thing or sounding like an idiot or a nerd.  It would help a great deal if you managed to learn to speak English & lose the 'wats '& 'wen''s.  Nobody wants to hear that junk.  Relax, be yourself, try to communicate just as you would any other friend.  Talk about your school classes & subjects & compare notes.  Be sure she's still interested in you, though.  She may have found another interest by now. Good Luck.

  7. why cant you ******* kids you god d**n H's anymore. looks so stupid seeing wat wen wer wy...oh and this new classic..."wat R u 2 doin 2nite. R U seein any1?" god d**n MTV fuct up our nations young.

  8. about anything that comes to mind; Batman movie, the weather, personal feelings, personal likes and dislikes, what has been going on this summer, plans for the new school year; anything you feel comfortable.  

  9. talk to her about how much your  miss her because your going to different high schools and take her to the movies for dates. Also, try to make her laugh as much as possible, girls like funny guys even if there corny.  

  10. Ok since your still quite young and such, plan dates that are filled with things to do. Like go go-carting, rock climbing, or whatever both of you enjoy. Because if you dont you will find yourself in many awkward moments with nothing to talk about, and then afterwards leave some time to talk. Ask her if she had fun and then go into what her favorite activities are and what she enjoys.

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