
14 year old boy messing with 10 year old daughter?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter was riding her bike across the street while these boys were skateboarding, she said hi and got off her bike and sat on the curb. All of a sudden the boy through huge tree limb at my daughter's face and then cracked an egg over her face.

should I call police or talk to parents? HELP?!




  1. Well I think the responsible way is first talk to their parents and see what happens after like a week and see if they do the same again, and if they do, call the cops lol.

  2. none of the above, this is basic child hood and adolesance, if they continue to harrass her tell the parents, if they know and this goes on for days then call the police, but really take no action if this only happend once, it is cruel but still its normal.

  3. Parents first.  Police if that doesn't work.

  4. i would do both, talk to the cops then the parents.

    obviously this kid isnt all there or he is abused at home

  5. f#$% calling the police beat his *** an then talk to his mom's

    there are place's for ignorent little boy's thats imature

  6. get the parents involved and then call the police. he needs to know what he did is absolutely horrible.

  7. I would just call the police. This is assault and his parents obviously have no control over this HEATHEN or he wouldn't be acting this way. The problem is that a lot of parents don't care of their child is doing these things and always back up their child instead of punishing them. A call and a visit from the police might have more of an impact.

  8. I would march right over to the parents house and confront them face to face.  They need to know what their son did and punish him accordingly.  If they take their sons side and get snippy about the whole thing, I would let them know if anything like this ever happens again that you will be calling the police since you seemed to get nowhere with them.

    Best of luck to you!

  9. So you pulled out your laptop or you went home on the computer?

  10. That's just not on.No Way! talk to the parents a.s.a.p if that doesn't work talk to the cops.

  11. Try parents first. I find that very unacceptable. Afterwards if her carries on , call the police.

  12. no hun call the cops on them, that is a serious thing for her to have that done to her, you should've already called the cops on those losers.

  13. oh my god..... tell the little boy that thats mean just talk to him if he contiues.... wait find out information about him first see whats going on at his house there's no reason for that type of behavior you may never know maybe at home they might incourage that maybe its okay to them if he continues then HECK YEA you should call the police on not emergency situation thats your daughter.... PROTECT!!


  15. And you have to ask this question WHY?

  16. I would tell the parents and call the police (local, not 911) so that there is a record of it incase it happens again or to someone else. If your child was injured take her to the hospital ER for evaluation. Sometimes the pain from an   injury is felt a day or 2 later.

  17. DO both..this boy has problems.he will continue to pick on and do far worse things if he thinks he can get away with it..dont let her get caught in his cycle of violence

  18. Call the cops. If he does this at 14 he probably tells his parents the rules. Then hope he mouths off and they take him in.

  19. I would go straight to police station.

  20. Yes, this boy is to old for this stuff and should know better. Next time it could be rocks and it could be deadly.

  21. Personally I would contact the police his parents will find out when they contact them. I say this because he is a TEENAGER and did this knowingly and purposefully. Make sure there isn't a next time. If he is old enough to do such things he is old enough to face the consequences! I know this sounds harsh but, but throwing a limb at a 10 year old's face is extreme and should not be tolerated!  No it's not normal and you don't want this to esculate.

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