
14 year old cousin drink BEER?

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I'm worried about my cousin, she's only 14 but she enjoys drinking beer. I warned her about it but she says she got it under control. She only drinks about half a can of beer ( last time i check it was Victoria Bitter 4.8% alcohol), which is quite less. She understands alcohol is bad as it kills brain cells but she also mentioned that small consumptions of alcohol will benefit you as alcohol starts off killing slower brain cells. Still, she is quite young and i wonder if the amount she drinks is safe? She doesn't get drunk but she does get a little dizzy. please also include some links about alcohol consumption if possible, thankyou.




  1. don't glad that she don't live in germany...its just normal. when i was 14 i already drunk vodka and stuff.  

  2. thats not very good for her, but i would let her do it. let her do what she wants, if she gets caught, than she will learn the lesson there is to be learned.

  3. she'll be fine..of course drinking at such a young age when the brain is still developing is bad and could be detrimental. of course there is no such thing as slower brain cells..cells are cells..

    where are the parents in all this? do they allow her to drink? if they do and monitor it..its probably fine. a child who is introduced to alcohol will be less likely to abuse it later in life, as the mystery and demonizing of youth drinking will not exist.  

  4. she's fine i had my first sip of alchohol when i was 8 in me and my buddies always drank when we were teenagersthen when we turned 18 [im old the drinking age was 18 when i was 18] we were always in bars. despite our best unintentional efforts most of brain cells survived our pre-teens and teen years just fine.

    as long as she i truthful about half a can [but i can't see her getting a can and dumping half out] she'ss be fine as long as it's not every single day and she's not huging the toliet in the mornings she's okay but if she even has a sip of any of the hard stuff slap some sense into her. she told you this because she trusts you if she gets worse your gonna have to go to her parents [try an older sibling first]. by the way if she gets dizzy from half a can shes either a really big light weight or is having 2-3.

  5. i started drinking when i was 14 too...theres nothing wrong with me...and when i say drink...I MEAN DRANK>>>>>goodbye

  6. Alcohol has NO benefits and drinking only brings destruction to families. Worse then any other drug. If she is getting dizzy then she has had more then one beer.

    My father died from Alcoholism and drugs when I was 11 and it was the worse thing in my life. The best thing you can do is go to her parents and tell them that she drinks. They have the right to know before she gets in the car with someone drinking and dies in a car crash.

  7. I would tell her that if she wants the health benefits, she should switch to red wine, have a small glass with dinner.  She should also get her parents' approval of the plan.  

    It is common in Europe for children to have a small amount of wine with meals.  The digestive benefits are with a SMALL amount, however.  Larger amounts will tend to give the drink undue importance psychologically long before the physical effects have turned bad.  Alcoholism is a disease of both mind and body.  

  8. You have a duty to report this to the police who will then look into how you cousin even managed to get it in the first place.  This is your duty and you have to do this because if your cousin is not stopped now it is only going to get worse and the next thing you know your cousin will be dead in some ditch and you will be blaming yourself for doing nothing about it when you knew all along

  9. if you believe this is ok your a idiot, don't say most of the world let their kids drink beer because most of the world either got aids,poor,play soccer,stupid,wusses,or kill because they don't like something.

  10. I've been drinking beer since I was 12. I'm a constant honor student in my school now, don't worry, half a can of beer can make her dizzy because she's still young. half a can also is enough(and is also less than what i used to drink).anyway if you are really concerned, tell her parents. or try to stop her. but it sounds to me that it is under control/

  11. ok SHE???????????

    ok ill show u facts of beer

    Health effects

    The main active ingredient of beer is alcohol and therefore the health effects of alcohol apply to beer.

    Brewer's yeast is known to be a rich source of nutrients; therefore, as expected, beer can contain significant amounts of nutrients, including magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, and B vitamins. In fact, beer is sometimes referred to as "liquid bread". Some sources maintain that filtered beer loses much of its nutrition.

    A 2005 Japanese study found that low alcohol beer may possess strong anti-cancer properties. Another study found nonalcoholic beer to mirror the cardiovascular benefits associated with moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages. However, much research suggests that the primary health benefit from alcoholic beverages comes from the alcohol they contain.

    It is considered that overeating and lack of muscle tone is the main cause of a beer belly, rather than beer consumption. A recent study, however, found a link between binge drinking and a beer belly. But with most overconsumption it is more a problem of improper exercise and overconsumption of carbohydrates than the product itself.

    Several diet books quote beer as having the same glycemic index as maltose, a very high (and therefore undesirable) 110. Critics rejoin that beer consists mostly of water, hop oils and only trace amounts of sugars, including maltose.

  12. where are the parents in all of this she is a minor

  13. in most of the world people start drinking beer at 10

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