One of my older friends has just sent me a bit of a desperate email about her daughter and is wanting my advice. Her daughter is 14 and at Christmas, she came home blind drunk - and the same thing happened a few weeks ago. This time, apparently the police found her with her trousers down, and she was sick when she got home and couldn't remember anything. My friend then admitted to me that she has looked through her daughter's texts and diary and discovered that she has been having s*x with various boys since she turned 14 - in the back of a shop, in a field, etc.
My friend got pregnant with her daughter when she was just 17 and doesn't want the same thing to happen to her daughter.
Apparently, she hasn't told her husband or family what she knows - they only know about her getting drunk.
She is asking me for advice and to be honest, i really do not know what to say. I am only 23 and don't have children. The only experience I know how stressed she must be, because my sister was exactly the same, if not worse, when she was 14 and it was a nightmare.
If anyone can help me advise my friend, I would really appreciate it.
xx Emmie