
14 year old doesn't know what 2 do (I want some advice)?

by Guest67026  |  earlier

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I had a boyfriend that I was going out with for 8 months and we had an on and off relationship but we were in love with each other. I go to this program in school called ecad and my/his best friend was in the program with me. So my boyfriend left the school and transfered to another school. I was really sad and the guy in my ecad class always tried to comfort me. He was like a brother. So one day in ecad we were watching a movie and he sat right infront of the tv. We were close and I thought it would he okay if I put my chin on his shoulder. He was fine with it and then 5 minutes later he turned his head and kissed me. I didn't know what to do so ignored it. Then 5 minutes after that he turned his head and kissed me again. I was like you can't do this you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. Then he was like your boyfriend is gone. Then I said but me and him are still together and you have a girlfriend. Then he said your point? Then he said fine I won't do it again. So I thought he meant it so I put my chin on his shoulder again and 5 minutes later he kissed me. I was so confused. I didn't know what to do so I walked away. Later that day I told his girlfriend and she was like it's okay I don't care as long as he doesn't do it again. Then he got mad at me for telling her and he ignored me but we made up. Then a couple weeks later by boyfriend called and I was like I need to tell you something. Then he said that he kissed another girl. I was lie well me and your "cuzin" kissed. He was like I know. I was like are we over now or what and he was like yeah, why don't you go call your boyfriend and I was like he's not my boyfriend! Then he was like then why'd u guys kiss. I was like I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. He was like whatever why don't you just call your boyfriend. I was so mad. I yelled he's not my......., then I was like, you know what **** you and then I hung up. Then later that night my "friend" said that we were going out and I couldn't say otherwise cause he would get mad at me. Then a month and a half later we had this alumni day thing and my ex and my new "bf" total ignored me. I wanted to talk to my ex because I never stopes liking him and I needed to talk to him by they were like buddy-buddy the whole time. I was like forget both of them I don't care but I really do and I can't stop thinking about them. But they both hate me and I can't call them because they would hang up and I never see them. What should I do? I don't know if I still like one of them..... I can't stop thinking about them and sometimes I wanna cry......




  1. Ouch other answerers are mean :S

    AND good answerers get a thumb down? what's up with that?

    ANYWAY, it's absolutely terrible that you had to go through this. To be honest, my side of view about these boys are VERY, very and very pathetic. Maybe, the most pathetic people i've ever heard in my life.

    You need friends, forget about boyfriends.. Seriously, they are not important now. GCSEs, and stuff like that are important.

    I hope you can try to forget them and move on by talking to your friends, shopping, etc. Watching your favourite films may take your mind off them.

    Darls, they are chatting absolute bullsh*t and they are trying to make you upset. You're helping them to get there hopes up higher, so try get them lower. Ignore them every time you walk pass them. Don't call them because you've tried and they've hanged up. So don't do it again while you guys are not friends. Your ex is past now.

    BOYFRIENDS ARE WORHTLESS. Many girls don't get a boyfriend until there are old enough to know about what boyfriends are like.

    Relax, and forget them. You can do it. I know you can.

    Email me if you wanna some help x

    (If i get thumb downs - fine then my advice isn't that good ?!)

  2. You are only 14 don't fret about it wait till you are in high school to worry about things like that  

  3. People are so rude these days. ^^


    In my opinion, if your boyfriend really cared about you, and knew that you would tell the truth to him, etc.

    Then when you told him that the other dude kissed you, and you had nothing to do with it, then he should have believed you and talked to his friend about it.

    In a way, I think that it's possible that this was set-up, just to get you two to break apart; that only depends if you noticed any type of behavior changes within your relationship with him over a certain time span.

    Go up to your ex-boyfriend, and tell him what needs to be said, if he ignores you, get his attention.

    If you really "love" him like you say you do, then talking to him on a serious note shouldn't be a problem. Especially if you two aren't talking.

    If I were you, I'd at least want to set out a positive note between us, I can't really go on knowing that the one I "love/loved" "hates" me.

    Then again, he isn't the only one on this earth. There are many possible potential boyfriends out there, just give it time.

    Hope it all works out.

  4. OMG!!! Go talk to one of your friends!! No one wants to read all this!!


  5. At this ages boys don't know wat they want so i would just forget about the pair of them and ever heard the saying "once a cheater always a cheater". They both cheated so wat makes u sure they wouldn't cheat on u. so my advice is just be a 14yr old and don't worry about either of them.

    Good luck honeyxx

  6. Forget about them and concentrate on your school work!

  7. Go ahead and cry... ur heart is hurting...

    learn ur lesson by thinking of how u contributed to the situation (why'd u keep ur chin on shoulder after 1st kiss and then after 2nd??)

    ur at an age where u are going to be attracted to different characteristics of different guys... it's great and stinks at same time...

    you can't make them listen and they might even get more put off if u keep pushing...the relationship was on/off again before... maybe it will come back around... try and focus on other things in life (ur music, school, etc) so they don't fall by the wayside... best wishes

  8. Hi there, my heart goes out to you and I think if you want to cry you should let your tears flow.  Your only part in this saga was to possibly rest your head on your friends shoulder which would have been the first signal to him that you wanted some attention?  I am sorry if that wasn't your intention and it has backfired, costing you a friendship (for all it was worth) and your boyfriend (who let's not forget cheated on you).  It sounds to me like the boys are still finding themselves, are very young and not yet an age to be thinking about other people (so don't take it personally) and therefore their friendship has/will become the priority whilst you are the 3rd wheel.... in life this person in this position often feels left out and betrayed, again it's not about you but about their maturity (or lack of it at this age).  Focus on girlfriendship at this time to take your mind off things.  You have no idea (YET) how valuable your girlfriends will be to you now and in years to come, even though friends change they shape us, teach us and give us support through lifes 'interesting' times.  You'll never regret forming good friendships and being a true friend.  It's also extremely attractive to members of the opposite s*x!  I wish you all the best and know you will be just fine :-)

  9. you started it all when you placed your chin on his shoulder not once, not twice but several times and sent him mixed signals. and the rest was handled all wrong and it escalated.

    so instead of crying over spilled milk you need to think about how your actions in the future affect others and think of the best way to handle it.

    and get rid of 'like' in your vocabulary it makes you sound uneducated.

  10. holy ****,do you expect people to read this!?

  11. I think you're probably better off without any of them, just disentangle yourself entirely. Soon it'll be in the past and you'll be totally over it. It all seems a bit too messy and not worth all the worry.

    And to all those people who answered with - 'information overload' and  'drama queen' and 'nobody wants to read all that $hit' - no one is forcing you to read or answer this question. If you don't like it that's fine but there is no need to make nasty comments. It's incredibly rude and completely unnecessary.

  12. ok, number one, you are 14 when your in high school.your a freshman. number 2, dont worry about those guys they're jerks. if i read it correctly i remeber him saying he kissed another girl so why is he getting mad at you? at least his friend kissed you not you kissing him.

    but i would just forget about them both you deserve much better than a couple of jerks

  13. Wow that sounds like a **** load of drama for a fourteen year old.  First of all there is no reason for you to be confused.  The first time he kissed you should have set off a little red alarm to get away and say something to him.  Second of all you sent him mixed signals by laying your head on his shoulder if you would have seen your bf let another girl do that would it have been ok with you?  Third of all you should have told your bf first instead of letting him hear it from somebody else.  And last but not least learn from this and don't make the same mistake with your future boyfriends...  As for the two you lost move on life goes on you are only 14...

  14. First of all it takes 2 people to kiss. You should've either pulled away or not put yourself in that position in the first place.

    Secondly, why the h**l did you put your chin back on his shoulder after he kissed you?? That's a really dumb thing to do. You may as well of held up a sign saying "kiss me".

    Now that's over with, you should forget about your ex. He clearly doesn't like you enough to fight for you. Especially if he cheated. Tbh though, you're both as bad as each other. As for the guy you kissed either get together with him if he wants to and you want to, or stay single and forget about all this pathetic drama.

    In 5 years will this matter to you? No. Will you still be friends with either of those guys? Probably not.


  15. Dude, you're 14. Trust me, this is trivial compared to the other **** you're gonna deal with in the years to come. Get the **** over it.

  16. drama queen and nobody wants to read all that $hit.

  17. Lorks-a-mercy!

    You are only 14.  These things happen.

  18. wtf????

    Did u look at the preview of ur Q when u were done??? how much????

    i just read the 1st line and i thought it'd be about a teenager falling in love breaking up and $H!T........

    Life is more complicated than this silly stuff.......get the Fak over it plz.

    stupid Q ur Q is like: i was like no, he was like yes, i was like i didnt he was like ....blah blah blah ..... stupid

    get a life or keep cryin'.

  19. Forget about those douches! You are wasting your time by even thinking about them. There are millions of other people in this world that you can talk to, and just forget about those two. You're young and you'll get over them. They're just causing drama for you that you don't need. Just let it go girl. Forget them. It's hard to do, but you can find other guys to like. Your es's friend isn't really his friend, and he seems like an ***. Then, your boyfriend didn't care about you enough to tell you he knew what happened with the other guy. They're a waste of time.

  20. They aren't worth your time. You can find a better boyfriend, or better male friends. When you meet the right guy, you won't be crying over him.

    Anyway, putting your chin on your friend was a sign to him that you are comfortable with him and like the closeness. He took that as a chance to kiss you... maybe because before that moment, he kind of had an attraction to you. So what you thought was an act of friendship, was an sign of romance to him.

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