
14 year old driving?

by Guest64165  |  earlier

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I know a person on my football team who drive everywhere when ever he wants and he is only 14 years old he obeys roads signs its not like we live in big city 88,000 in California thats consider small he driven past tons of police cars and officers they don't do anything so i wondering should do it i am 14 but i look 16 very mature for my age and i have been driving on my private land for years and very good driver so could you help me figure this out and what would happened to me if i get caught




  1. man, i don't know what   to tell you. i mean you are a good driver, you look old enough to drive; but don't have a license.  driving can be fun but dangerous. i know it's cool being able to drive but if you get caught man; it will ruin your life( u will have a police record). you might even get expelled .

  2. No dont do and the person that is doing is a fool............and if caught they can and will loose the right to drive until they are 18 years of age not to mention the traffic tickets that they will receive.

    Also as stated above concerning an accident and if this person should have one his parents would be completely responsible for any and all damages and or deaths that might come from this meaning the parents would likely be bankrupt and the driver would be in jail..

  3. If you or your friend get into an accident, even it the overall accident is not your fault.   You still can be held liable for a major percentage.   The assumption of fact being:  You were not suppose to be driving and that you lack training, experience and maturity.

    Being just 14 may exclude you from most criminal prosecution, unless you kill or seriously injure someone.  HOWEVER, your parents can be fined and held civilly accountable for all your actions and conduct.

    To be honest, you would be doing your friend a favor if you informed the police.   Save him before he gets hurt and hurts someone else.

  4. do it if you want. you know it is wrong so just save your money for the fine.................

  5. Just because you're 14 and are an under-aged driver does not make you automatically "at fault" even in a contributory way in your state. There are too many other factors in an auto accident that determine fault and age or driver's license status usually doesn't play a majority factor.  These issues must play a direct role in how the accident occurred with regard to liability.  Simply saying someone is "at fault" because they are a 14 y/o unlicensed driver, is not the way it works.  

    I'm assuming you would be driving your parents car with their permission. There are a couple of important issues here.   I assume that your parents will likely not disclose to the insurance company the fact that they are allowing a 14 y/o to drive their vehicle.  It would be impossible to obtain coverage for you w/o a license. Just revealing that you can drive would cause an increase to their premium.  If you are involved in an accident negligent or not, if the insurance company finds out, your parents coverage will likely go up, they could be cancelled, and they will have to specifically exclude you from the policy if they wanted to continue their auto coverage.  A driver's exclusion essentially means that the person is not covered under the policy under any circumstances.

    Some companies consider it fraud not to disclose young people with driving experience and then allow them to use the vehicle. So you and your parents would be taking a huge risk. It's pretty much a 1 time shot. If you are involved in an accident, the insurance company will probably pay for it, but they will not allow your parents to keep you on their policy w/o a license, so the joy ride, so to speak will be over. If you continued to drive after that and your parents signed an exclusion to keep the policy and you were involved in another accident you will not have any coverage and your parents could be liable for the damages.

    If you are stopped for a traffic violation you will receive a citation for the violation(s), not having a driver's license and the vehicle will be towed.  Depending on your city or state laws, your parents might also be in trouble.  Trust me the fact that your friend hasn't received a ticket is simply because he hasn't gotten stopped, not that he isn't doing anything wrong by driving w/o a license.  

    This is a lose, lose situation, no matter how you look at it.

    The best thing for you to do, is wait until you are 15 and apply for a Hardship or Limited Privilege Driver's License which will allow you to drive during designated times, legally.  Your parents will also be able to add you to their insurance policy, since you will have a license, though it will cost a small fortune. :-)

    Good Luck my friend! Kudos to you for asking! ~J~
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