
14 year old guy with little lump under left nipple?

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I'm 14, and I have this little lump under my left nipple. I'm pretty sure it's been growing bigger, and I've had it for a few days. If I press against it, it hurts. Is this normal for guys my age, and will it go away?

Thanks for your help




  1. No, this isn't normal. I would advise you keep calm and try not to stress about it. It could be a range of different things, some serious.. some not so serious. It could be something more simple than that like an out of place rib or something when i was 12 a had a slight twist in my spine that nobody knew about until one day a lump appeared near my nipple.. turns out it was an out of place rib due to the twist in my spine, i had an operation on it and all is fine. It could also just be hormonal or it could be some form of breast cancer, but don't let that alarm you because it may not be cancerous. The only thing you can do is to have it checked out. The doctor isn't gonna laugh he/she has probably faced cases like yours many times before. Hope it all works out for ya!

  2. Its not a third nipple.

    Its gyno, gynecomastia, bit*h ****, etc.

    Its caused by rapid hormone fluctuations, and is pretty common when your younger and just entering puberty peaks.

    Your testosterone spikes, but so does your estrogen.

    Usually your body levels it out, but since you get some pain from it, Id say its still in the early stages of progression.

    It can be treated with drugs, but most doctors dont care about it, since its purely cosmetic, and most will just wait to see if it goes away naturally, which it often will.

    If it hardens after 1-2 years youll need surgery to remove the lump.

  3. Its likely a cyst (maybe a boil).

    Anytime you find a lump anywhere, you should have your doctor check it out.

    Cysts are fluid filled and come and go and are not a health risk, but to be certain what type of lump you have, you do need to see your doctor.  

  4. We can't see it unless you post link with a pic of your chest on yahoo. Besides, NO one can really tell besides your doctor! Users of this website could speculate, however, only your doc could tell you for sure if it is normal of if it could be cancerous or something.

  5. Oh WOW,  you are growing a 3rd nipple......... congrats.

  6. IUt could actually be breast cancer. Guys get it too. You may want to have it looked at.

  7. yo foo dont worry about im a 13year old black male. i had one under left breast for about 3months then it went away now i have one under my right breast and its going away to so dont worry about it

  8. Hey, for the most part, ignore these other answers.  It is normal and it is not cancer.

    It's called a puberty lump and it's common with guys when they go through puberty. Anyway, there may be some soreness associated with the lump, but don't squeeze or mash on it or you could create a problem. It'll go away by itself in a few months but may last as long as a year. Let your parents know about it so they know what's going on with you. There's no need to make a special trip to the doctor for this, but do mention it to him the next time you go.

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