
14 year old is there anyway to lose belly flab - 10 points for best answer!?

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I am 14 years old and wondering if there is anyway to lose bellyflab. I play fieldhockey and lacrosse so basicially I run alot. My summer schedule includes running at least 2 miles every morning (field hockey), Weightlifting for 1/2 an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And lacrosse on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings. I have been trying everything to lose bellyflab and my dad is currently signing me back up for the personal trainer because the weightlifting just ended. We usually have pasta for dinner, I dont know if that means anything but I heard that if you eat pasta it could get you fat. And I only drink water now, with the exception of one or two dilluted juice drinks. I am going in to high school and by summer next year I would love to have absolutly no belly flab. But if there is anything that I am missing please help!




  1. You can do crunches and leg raises. Get yourself involved in a good cardio workout.


  3. Contrary to popular belief, pasta isn't bad for you, yes, it has carbs, but carbs provide your body and brain with the energy to function correctly.

    I don't know how much you eat, but you have to eat enough at your age if you want to grow properly and keep your metabolism high.

    Try looking at , they have weight loss advice tailored especially for teenagers.

  4. put down the knife and fork.


    Try crunches. Work your abdomen.

  5. Watching what you eat will help you not gain the extra pounds.  You should start to jog and do daily exercises.

  6. Well everyone has a bit of belly flab. If you have a bit too much in your eyes, try doing sit ups, if you ever hit the gym, the bicycle, treadmill etc. Pilate's helps too, and aerobics stuff like that. High impact sports like running and jumping and stretching out your belly.

  7. RUN AS FAST AS U CAN for AS LONG AS U CAN and KEEP IT UP EVERY DAY ( you will loose the pounds )  



    and MORE Active Programs activities

    u will lose the flab 2

  8. Contrary to what most everyone else will tell you (crunches, sit-ups), spot or target weight loss is almost impossible.

    Sounds like you are getting enough exercise, now concentrate on diet.  

  9. Yes you (and your Dad) are missing the fact that you are 14 years old.  Your body is changing on the outside and the inside and preparing for you to become a woman.  Hockey and Lacrosse are good sports like so many others but I think weightlifting at your age could be damaging to your growing body.  Sit ups is the No. 1 best way to strengthen your tummy muscles but do them correctly so not to hurt your back.  Otherwise don't miss out on what's left of your childhood, spend time with your girlfriends, have sleepovers and fun!  I personally like the look of real girls with a little tummy ( Meagan Gayle is gorgeous but not stick thin!)  This could turn into a deeper problem later on.  Love who you are and don't obsess about body shapes and eating just be healthy.  Your Dad needs a serious reality check and is not being the best role model for you.  Is your Mum in the picture? or maybe an Aunty or older female friend could help.  Be yourself and love who you are!

  10. running alone will not help you to loose your belly flab.. i have same problem before.. i have a flat belly now, i just make my own diet like not eating too much rice, and lessen your carb intake.. instead eat wheat bread.. and try to do sit ups.. i know its hard tro do but what i did i start 10 counts then i add 5 everyday till i reach 70 sit ups.. i got the good shape now.. i have a 26 waist line.. im enjoying my figure a lot.. hope do that also..

  11. hey thanks for the answer on my question.

    umm try doing a thing called a 'plank' to tone up. you have to lie like a push up but with your elbows and fore arm on the floor. also eat less carbs as they make you bloated. hope i helped and tell me how you get on. btw whats your bmi? jw cheers

  12. okay yes pasta is a carb and has lots of calories so don't eat that it's good that you exercising but the way you're doing it you're going to get huge muscles.your diet should be something like this:

    Breakfast: the serving size of a good hole grain cereal not stuff like lucky charms make sure to read the ingredients for gelatin I'm a vegan so I can't eat stuff with gelatin in it because it's meat GROSS okay then make sure you cereal doesn't have more then 300 calories in one serving the for the milk get soy milk the light vanilla kind and only eat one serving of that with your cereal and a big class of whatever juice you want even one with lots of calories but make sure it is juice not just sugar

    Lunch: a salad with a few nuts and craisens you know the dried cranberries and lots of fruit and veggies on it now if you going to eat salad dressing I suggest only eating half of the serving size because salad dressing most of the time has bad stuff in it and lot of calories so I suggest not eating it only put some vinegar and olive oil and not very much of that but enough to be put all over the salad not you are trying to shrink you appetite so if your still hungry after breakfast or lunch good now special K has like granola bars if you are too hungry eat only one of those also they have some cereal that you might like for breakfast now then your snacks should be some thing likea fruit cup or some nuts an apple orange bananas only good stuff like that or a K bar now for

    Dinner:salad,lots of cooked veggies like bellpeppers mushrooms etc cooked in a pan with some olive oil make a huge pan of it so you have lots to eat and you will get full now if your dad eats pasta in front of you then still don't eat it my dad eats cake and candy in front of me and I'm a full time vegan so just remamber that food is only one part of you life food we only eat to keep us alive okay now if you're worried about haw you might not get enough callories the eat torteas you know you can rap your veggies or salad in them and they have alot of calories in them I might have spelled that wrong so just try to sound it out now for the exercise do some yoga for you legs and abs


    don't eat after 6:00 PM.

    if you're going to eat somthing like junk food eat it in the morrning so you have all day to lose the calories.

    don't eat very much meat or milk cheese or eggs

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