
14 year old male with slight ADHD and depression (mood swings)

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I am a 14 year old male.

I have difficulty concentrating on tasks like homework and classwork.

And I have big mood swings. Sometimes I feel like my life is going great and it will always be great (with a slight feeling that I know I will not always feel like this), and sometimes I feel like my life really sucks (not suicidal thoughts, but still very unpleasant).

After I went to a psychologist, I was diagnosed with mild adhd, and mild depression. and i found out that my iq is 121, though I still get bad grades at school.

What should I do from here? Is this just my teenage hormones going crazy or is there a chance that I might have this for a longer period of time if I don't do anything about it?

also, these symptoms just started about a year or two ago, I remember when I was in middle school I could concentrate on my work so easily (and my middle school was a magnet school, very hard curriculum).




  1. I have a 13 yr old grandson who has adhd and he didnt do very good in school either because he couldnt concertrate,he is on Concerta and making A's and B's,and acts like a normal boy.I know you dont want to take pills but it would do you good to take them atleast until you learn to take control; of your mood swings,he was diagnosed at 5 and now at 13 he doesnt have to take meds anymore cause he has learned to take control of his anger and doing better.

  2. Found a very good site inside it really fantastic this site will help you

  3. get some redalin or pot

  4. my boyfriend has add and adhd and used to be like that when he was 14 he is now 17 [im 15 btw] but anyways he gets bad grades but he has a really good job. and school is just hard to do in general i geuss i would try just mabye thinking about positive things and deffinatally if your not contrateing in school very well talk to your teachers about it and tell them to help you like if they find you off task in class or you look like your not interested to help you get interested thats what i had to do. and also pot is amazeing but yeh its not gunna help with this at all lol. my boyfriend who was just like you smokes it all the time and really it makes him alot less of an appealing person and deffinattlly doesnt help with his concintration or his depression cause when he is dry and i am dry to it is hardd.

    soo dont take up pot badd habbit. lol

    but i doo love it.. dont get me wrong.

  5. The amount of additives and chemicals and other nasties in packaged foods these days is positively scary ...... i have found in particular that additives like MSG (620 - 635) makes my children extremely hyperactive and moody....barbeque flavored chips & 2 minute noodles spring to mind.

    As consumers are becoming more wary of MSG, manufacturers are using other non-regulated ingredients that contain MSG, but aren't pure MSG, to avoid having to list MSG on their labels!!

    Additives that Always contain MSG are ~

    Monosodium glutamate

    Hydrolysed vegetable Protein

    Hydrolysed plant protein

    plant protein extract

    calcium caseinate

    hydrolysed oat flour

    hydrolysed anything else!!

    Potassium glutamate

    Hydrolysed protein

    autolysed yeast

    sodium caseinate

    yeast extract

    textured protein

    Additives that frequently contain MSG are~

    Malt extract



    natural vlavouring

    natural beef or chicken flavor

    malt flavor




    seasoning..... hydrolysed vegeetable protein is one of the more common substitutes for pure MSG found in a huge range of common foods.............. hydrolysed vegetable protein is a concentrated form of natural MSG that is now often used by manufacturers instead of MSG as a way around consumer concern....... often, products with high amounts of HVP boldly market themselves as "MSG free" to attract consumers who are unaware that HVP contains high concentrations of glutamates and has the same adverse health effects as MSG.

    HVP is made from junk vegies selected for their high quantitity of excitotoxins, e.g. glutamate... the vegies are boiled in a vat of sulphuric acid for several hours then the acid is neutralised with caustic soda... the brown sludge is scraped off the top and dried into a powder..... the powder contains known carcinogens and dicarboxylic acid, the safety of which is unknown.... MSG is often added to this powder... finally, the powder is put in our food..... including baby food and we eat it........ scary stuff.

    Avoid anything with flavor enhancers or hydrolysed vegetable protein if you're wanting to avoid MSG because of its adverse health impacts..... there's a book by Julie Eady called "Additive Alert" that you should buy from your local bookstore ...... pretty rivetting & eye opening stuff mate.

    Actually, not eating out of a packet at all and eating loads of fresh & healthy foods will go a long way to help bolster your  neural system and help to level out your moods and stress levels.

    Get your mom to buy you fish oils to take on a daily basis too..... the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils will bolster neural functioning for you and do a lot of other things also.

    Fish oils are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and will also help to possibly prevent depression;

    ~ alleviate rheumatoid arthritis;

    ~ offer protection against migraines and kidney disease;

    ~ enhance the immune system;

    ~ lower blood pressure;

    ~ keep skin, hair and nails healthy;

    ~ lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides;

    ~ reduce blood viscosity;

    ~ help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

    Wonderfull for calming a frizzled mind.

    To increase your Omega 3 intake ~

    ~ grind whole organic flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle over fresh fruit;

    ~ throw a handful of organic walnuts into a green leafy salad;

    ~ add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your morning smoothie;

    ~ eat oily, cold water fresh fish like salmon, mackerel or tuna at least three times a week.

    organic with the nuts and seeds to avoid the nasty sulfites and other chemicals they use to "preserve" them that may upset sensitive bodies.

    Try to go as natural with your daily food as you can...... ditch all pre packaged and junky type foods....... eliminate highly refined sugar and instead focus on fresh fruits in season..... drink freshly squeezed juices and loads of fresh filtered water..... ditch all the sodas and pop and soft drinks and any drinks with caffeine too if you drink any as they are only full of sugar which is nutritionally void anyways and will also rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins and dehydrate you terribly..... prepare lean meats and fresh fishes and fresh vegies for meals and ditch the pastries, cookies, cakes and chips if you eat any as your best chance for a healthy vital body will always be eating from natures bounty of fresh wholesome foods....... read the labels too when you eat bread as many of them have an awful lot of highly refined sugar in them.

    Take a teenager's dose of a multi B complex supplement too on a daily basis to support a healthy neural, immune and digestive system......... this will help enormously in reducing your stress and anxiety levels.

    The B complex of vitamins is essential for a healthy neural, immune and digestive system and is a water soluble complex ... therefore it needs to be ingested on a daily basis....... particularly if you are vegetarian or lactose intolerant.

    hope this helps u



  6. Taking Authority over Your EmotionsEmotions are an area that many Christians don’t understand. Because of this, Believers often allow their emotions to lead them. As a result, emotionally-led decisions take them on a course that is out of the will of God for their lives. While God gave every human being emotions, it is critical that we get control over negative emotions and subject them to the Word of God. Make these daily confessions so that you can subject your feelings to God’s Word and make the right decisions:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me healthy emotions. I declare that negative emotions will not impact my decisions, neither will they dictate my responses to difficult circumstances. I will submit my feelings to You in every situation that I encounter in life. You have given me authority over the power of the enemy, and I declare that nothing shall by any means hurt me, including people and situations that try to negatively influence my emotions. When I feel overwhelmed by life, or troubled by negative emotions, like Jesus, I will pray and keep moving forward  I bind depression, anxiety, worry, fear, doubt, anger, rejection and any other negative emotion that tries to attack my mind. I possess power, love and a sound mind. I thank You, Father, that I walk in peace, joy and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I have the mind of Christ and my emotions are controlled by the Word of God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Scriptural references:

    ·Mark 14:33-35

    ·Luke 10:19

    ·2 Timothy 1:7

    ·Romans 14:17

    ·1 Corinthians 2:16

    God Bless U

  7. i have ADHD i have to have tablets every  day takeing pot wont help

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