
14 years old and height of 4'6?

by  |  earlier

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hi there all,im as it seems unnaturaly small for my height,i have an ok diet,play sport,train 2 nights a week,and am not overweight,(have a toned muscled body),dont lift weights and eat good dinners and im going fifteen next year and all my friends are a full head or 2 heads taller than me?,any answers would be greatly accepated.(know whole puberty thing),




  1. how tall are your parents? it might just be in your genes. :\

  2. Since you know the whole puberty thing, you know that hormones aren't predictable. But it's possible that you need to have a few medical tests just to make sure everything is in the range of normal. If you think you really are "behind", then the only person who can tell you if you're right or not is your own family doctor.

  3. You most properly haven't got your growth spurt yet  

  4. you probably haven't reached your growth spurt yet, but if you're really worried about your height, you can discuss growth hormones with your parents/ doctor.  

  5. Height is determined by genetics.  Here on the genealogy forum we research our ancestors (where they came from, our family trees).  That is not genetics.  It is history.  Genealogists are not geneticists.  You are in the wrong forum for this question.

  6. its really natural i know somebody whos 17 and 4'3

  7. I was 6 feet even at 14 and am 6' 1" today. You may get a growth spurt; you may not. Ask your mom and dad how tall their brothers are, and compute the average. That will give you a rough idea, maybe. I have 4 brothers. 3 are within two inches, either way, of 6 feet. One is 5' 7".

    You should talk to a doctor, too.

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