
14 years old..any makeup suggestions?

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im 14 years old and i have tan skin, and blue/green eyes with gold in the center..does anyone have any good suggestions about how much makeup i should be wearing and what kind or what colors??

thanks =]




  1. go on and select all the info u just gave it will tell u. short and sweet and quick. :)

    hope i helped:D

  2. i think...............

    cover up

    clody blue eyeshadow

    pink with a  little red lipgloss

    and final touch pink blush

    mac make up

    some but not over done the makeup

  3. You would look really good in a full mascara with some covergirl or max eyeliner, those kind of eyeliners would smear like others do. Try also using some lighter colors for eyeshadow and dont put TOO much on. I hope this helps!

  4. black eye liner.

    soft brown shades. even put a thin layer of shadow under your eyes.


  5. my advice is don't over do it. I'm 14 also i like to wear eyeshadow ( light colors like brownish or light pink/peach) and mascara , sometimes a tiny bit of eyeliner and also powder.

  6. minimal or zero

    just use vitamin e

    -besides you'll waste away your life staring at a mirror

  7. Eyeliner and mascara with maybe a light shade of purple or blue eye shadow

    to make your eyes stand out more but not using to much makeup

    and some lipgloss, thats all you probably need

  8. since you have tan skin you wont need much to hide blemishes, and being so young keep it as minimal as poss. Instead of a foundation, try a brush on tanning powder. Im my country me have thin lizzy and natural glow. Its a compact brown power thing with a brush and you lightly brush it on your face to give you an even, very natural looking colour. It sounds like you have beutiful eyes, so stay away from heavy eyeliner. Use a black/brown or clear mascara and a light/natural coloured lipgloss.At your age stay away from eyeshadow, unless its a fun shimmer and eyeliner.

    ps if you use anything on your face, make sure your neck matches, eg with a brush on powder, lightly do you neck and check under your jaw line for marks.

  9. don't no can't see you at 14 i don't no if you need make up?.

  10. If i were you i would not wear any foundation you are way to young and beautiful for that right now. I would line your eyes with a black liner at the top not too much and use a really good mascara like too faced lash injection and some clear gloss.

  11. just wear mascara and eyeliner maybe a little eyeshadow but for now just stick to white and light brown eye shadows

  12. I think since you are still young, don't put on too much makeup. You could put on a little bronzer. Try some black/brown mascara and line your lower lids with a black or brown lines. You could play up your eyes by using a golden, shimmery shadow on the outer and inner corners of your eyes. You're too young to be worrying about foundation and all that, but if you want some coverage, go for a tinted moisturizer.

    For now, you can use carmex for a little shine on the lips.

    This makeup is suitable for your age and is all cheap enough for you to buy at the drugstore!

  13. hmmmmm

    you wear too much you'll get called 'cake face'

    wear as little as possible

    like for real, MINIMUM  

  14. I'm 14 too and I really don't over-do my make up at all.  I really don't wear all that much to begin with, lol.  I just started wearing it these past couple months.  What I do is i use concealer sometimes if I need it.  I will use a little bit of blush aswell.  I have hazel eyes so I use a bronze-ish colour eyeshadow that is a little bit sparkly.  I also apply a little bit of mascara too my top lashes.  Never ever apply mascara to the bottom lashes, because it will look VERY bold.  I personally do not use eyeliner, because my eyelashes are already dark and long, so it would look a little too dark on me.  What I would recommend for you is concealer if you need it, a bit of blush and some brown or black mascara.  For eyeshadows, you can get a low of colours that will look nice for blue or green eyes.  Bright colours if you want it to complement your eyes and dark if you want it to look more bold.  I hope this helps! :)  

  15. Natural is always more pretty than harsh. I think you should use mascara on the top lashes, some pink or nude lipgloss on the lips and a touch of blush on your cheeks. This simple makeup routine will make you look beautiful and vibrant. Hope I Helped

    P.S. Stay away from the black eyeliner, it makes young girls look overdone, fake, and trashy.

  16. dude, it depends how you want to look.  blue, brown, maybe black green like i said it depends what look your going for

  17. You wouldn't require a lot of makeup if you're young.  I always think that it's refreshing of young girls spotting just lip gloss, concealer if you've spots, eye brow pencil if you've spares brows. Just tidy up your face and little lip gloss is fine.   Too much like eye shadow, eye liner is just too much for young girls.. you'll just lost your youthful look.  

  18. Purple eyeshadow would really make your eyes pop!  Probably some black eyeliner or something.  As for how much makeup you should wear, I think it's totally up to you.  

  19. you should go light! try very little white, silver, or gold eyeshadow it will bring out your eyes... which sound georgous :) and a light pink lip gloss... oh yes... very pretty!

  20. I'm not trying to be some gross pervert or something, because I'm the same age, and I reckon that you sound hot already, and a guy our age would date you any second. Don't worry about makeup. :D

  21. im 14 also !

    uhm well the only thing i wear is black mascara, black eyeliner, concealer, lip gloss and occasionally cover up.

    but thats about it. i have soooo much make up but i dont wear it. i like the more natural look. :)

  22. gosh, youre only 14, you should wear none,

  23. Just try a basic brown eyeliner on the upper lash line with some black or brown/black mascara. Try a pink lipgloss with a bit of shimmer. Keep your makeup light.

  24. u should be wearing a light base make-up and oil free so that ur skin doesnt produce acne!!!

    astirey is a very good brand that u can get any colour to match your skin tone!!!

    hope this helped

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