
14 years old..wants to play rugby?

by  |  earlier

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soo yea im 14..15 in june and i really wanna play rugby...ive never played before but like i said i want to.. i live in westchester, new york...r there any ways i can get involved ive looked on google but i cant find muchh...i want to join a club or a team




  1. Far too physical a game for such young forming bones.

  2. Oh rugby is fun!

    I'm 14 as well & I've been able to play

    not in a real team though

    & i live in California so yea

    but maybe you can get other people to play

    i might not have helped much but good luck! :]

  3. worries..i've start playing rugby when my age is 14..and now its 3 years since i joined it..kind of embraced when first i join..but the sooner u join rugby the better..cause later on u will have enough experience to enter any friendly match or even a big tournament..and my advice to you..believe and confident is a way to sucsess..and one more..

    if u trying to join a team or club be sure ur are fit for it..cause there's no more mr.nice guy there..

  4. Try contacting the local women's and/or men's team to ask if they have youth rugby.  If they don't if it's okay with parent practice with the women.  The Detroit Rugby Football club has many youth programs boys and girls so if you came to the D you're in good hands.  Just email your local women's club they should be able to help.

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