
14 yr old Birthday Ideas

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My daughter is turning 14, but she doesn't know what to do for her Birthday Party. Any Ideas? She likes parties that are fun, memorable, and unique.




  1. Oh well, too bad you did not say son.

    When mine was fourteen he invited six of his friend's to spend the night. We set up our large family room with extra televisions for the X-Boxes and stuff and had a snack bin, garbage can and drinks in the frig. Ordered pizza and had a humongous birthday cookie.

    Afterwards we went in the room and with a boom box set it up and placed a paper bag in the floor. Stood them all up and gave them instructions. When the music played they passed the bag, when it stopped whoever had the bag had to reach in and take out a piece of clothing and put it on. I went to the dollar store and got thongs, bra's and panties. I had night gowns and dresses in there and high heels. After a while it was a scramble as to who would be privileged enough to put the thongs on. It was so much fun and they had fun doing it. We taped it and to this day laugh about it and the ending picture of all of them dressed still sits on my son's dresser.

    I know I was not much help. I hope you find something fun for them to do.

    Have you considered a spend the night party? Get some inexpensive make-up and let them do each others make-up. They will get a kick out of how each other turns out.

  2. When I was her age, I had a 24-hour party.  Friday night the week of my birthday, I had all of my girlfriends over.  We camped out in the back yard, had a bonfire and ate S'mores, then stayed up pretty much all night singing silly songs/telling stories/gossiping/etc. (which was fine with my parents, since we were OUTSIDE and they were INSIDE).  The next day, the boys were allowed to come over.  We grilled burgers and dogs, went swimming, and played games all day.  Nobody got picked up until about 8pm.  It wasn't anything overly extravagant, and we didn't go anywhere, but the fact my party lasted that long was the coolest part!

    I enjoyed this one so much I had the same 24-hour party every year until I turned 18 and we all went off to college.  

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