
140 days working in the Senate is considered experience?

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140 days working in the Senate is considered experience?




  1. You forgot that he also set up picnics and made flight arrangements! Lol

  2. You are forgetting also he remembers his grandfathers stories about serving in WW2 thats what qualfiies him as C in C hahaha

  3. well its an experience all right....kind of like sitting in a classroom for a few weeks.....fascinating how Sarah has vastly more executive experience than Obama....and she isn't even the top of the ticket!

  4. That's why he'll be asking his grandma for advice.

  5. Obama was an Illinois State Senator from 1996-2004 and is a U.S. Senator from 2004 to present day.  How is that only 140 days?

  6. Twenty years in the senate would be even worse.  The longer you are in politics, the more corrupt you become.

    If  you’re  not a socialist at 20 you have no heart.   If  you’re  still a socialist at 40 you have no brain.

    Any Black person who does not vote for Obama is a traitor to his race.

    Any White person who does not vote for Obama is prejudices.

    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

  7. Yeah, and without much to show for that.  Can't find any significant legislation, although there was about $91 million of pork sent back to Illinois.  

    Major league baseball seasons are longer than that.

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