
$140 dollars a barrel where is it all going to end? However, the high price of fuel?

by Guest58619  |  earlier

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doesn't appear to have detered some people in my village from owning 3 or more cars per household. What a nonsense!




  1. Those who have the money can afford it. Those who don't will have to adjust. Thats Life..

  2. Is it a little bit of jealousy here nettie, everybody has the right to spend their money as they see fit. I find it hypocritical of Gordon Brown asking for more production of oil, and yet at a nod, he as the man behind his chancellor could lower the cost at the pumps by cutting the exorbitant tax he himself has put on fuel.

  3. They tried to increase supply by 700,000 barrels- and China even raised their gas prices, but to no avail. The economy is in a horrible position primarily because of oil prices- and not to mention the fact that our current administration is a scam. I'm no economist, but I'm sure the price per barrel will only go up. There's no guessing when this is all going to end. Three or more cars isn't too bad, it just depends on how fuel effecient their cars are and how many miles they drive everday!

  4. It will end when the United States Of America and the rest of the Western Hemisphere actually get ''Real Humanity'' type of people(people who actually care about the needs and concerns of the common person,and who cannot be intimitated/bought off) in leadership position who actually has the guts to stand up against ''OPEC'' to say enough is enough, and has the adventurous/courageous spirit to actually go through with a ''Real Actual Decent Renewable Energy Programme''.On this planet we have five main sources of renewable energy:Earth=Geothermal Energy,Fire=Heat Energy,Wind=Aerosol Propulsion Energy/Water=Hydroenergy,Sun=Solar/Heat Energy.Also the answers to all of humankind energy needs are right in the Periodic Elemental Table itself because at least a dozen renewable altenative energy sources are hidden in that table which is enviromentally friendly and could even reverse the damage that hydrocarbon and carbon(gasoline,diesel,coal)fuel already inflicted on the ozone and the enviroment.In fact I know someone who can help with this ''Energy Crisis'' interested parties can contact me for the person's information at,Subject:Energy Crisis Help Needed(so it doesnot get deleted by acciddent).If you'll truly want to solve this energy crisis.Also if nothing is done about this OPEC oil situation crude oil will hit $186 and even surpass $186 a barrel before next summer(even though some say by the year 2030).

  5. There's no law against owning three cars per household, so they're quite within their rights.

    If they choose to spend their money on fuel rather than other goods and services, that's their right too. This is the beauty of the free market economy! Supply and demand determine the price. It may not be a perfect system, but no one's thought of a better one yet.

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