
143 actual days of experience & he votes "present" 50% of the time, what would he do in the White House?

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Obama doesn't have the character to stay on top of things as a Junior Senator, how could he handle the duties of the White House where you lead the free world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

How many cigarettes would he have to burn trying to make a decision? And his hero, Jeremiah Wright, says "God dam* America", can we trust Obama to call a man for counsel that dam*s our great country?

I say NO, we need a true patriot with a VP who has executive experience. We need someone who knows HOW to fight FOR us.

America is not broken, America doesn't need Obama's "change"...we need a Red, White, and Blue patriot with a VP who has executive experience AND has lead a military organization (Alaska National Guard).

Biden says Obama is not ready, so do I, how about you? How can we TRUST this guy?




  1. You won't change your mind, even if I prove you are misguided. But here goes.

    John McCain has missed 407 votes (63.8%) during the current Congress. John McCain has voted with a majority of his Republican colleagues 88.3% of the time during the current Congress. This percentage does not include votes in which McCain did not vote.

    These are his 3 votes against the party this year

    3/14/08 To facilitate coverage of pregnant women in SCHIP. Yes

    3/13/08 To establish an earmark moratorium for fiscal year 2009. Yes

    3/13/08  To increase the Indian Health Service by $1 billion in FY 2009. Yes. John McCain cant make a decision except to raise spending. Obama already disassociated himself from Jeremiah Wright when Jeremiah tried to use his friendship to increase his fame, and get publicity at Obama's expense. Palin is currently being investigated by an independent investigator hired by the Alaska Legislature to determine whether she abused her power when she fired Monegan. The investigation is scheduled to end October 30, only days before the November 4 presidential election.Monegan alleged that his dismissal was a retaliation for his reluctance to fire Palin's former brother-in-law, Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten, who had been involved in a divorce and child custody battle with Palin's sister, Molly McCann.

    What we need in office is less corruption, McCain/Palin is the puppet show in the white house.

  2. Please look up Emil Jones!!! This is the guy that put Obama on a pedestal and boosted his image.  Obama would need somebody to hold his hand and he has no business where he's at right now!

  3. I'm a lifelong Democrat, child of two lifelong Democrats. I've marched and protested and petitioned in favor of Democratic ideals and against the Republicans.

    For the first time this year, I'll be voting for a Republican.

    It's as simple as what you say in your question. Obama hates America. His followers hate America.

    this is obvious from Obama's highly intimate relationship with Jeremiah Wright. Obama gave Wright tens of thousands of dollars (and his brother, George Hussein Onyango Obama, nothing).

    We need leaders who love the people they lead.

    Obama does not love America. McCain and Palin do love America. I agree with virtually *none* of McCain's positions. I am pro-choice, anti-Iraq war, pro-g*y marriage.

    I just don't want to elect a president who hates me. So I will vote McCain / Palin.  

  4. Obama is wholly unfit to be president.

  5. Obama is all about change. If he's elected, all I will have in my pocket is change. You know, those little coins that have the likeness of guys who don't look like Obama.

  6. He is my state senator and until he was nominated I didn't realize that he was actually in office. After he got elected, He Did Nothing for my state. He will bring this expertise to the white(Mostly)House.

  7. Well, you said it!

    I live in a 'small' town, in Indiana and it borders Illinois.

    I work with a lot of people from IL, due to the fact we pay nurses way better, and no one has a positive thing to say about Obama. General opinion is that he is a 'do nothing' for the state.

    We are also sick of the smug attitude towards Small Town America.

    And the generalization of women.

    Keep it up, it will backfire.

  8. The fact that he votes present at all shows he is afraid to take a stand.  If your going to represent people you should find out there position if you don't know and make a representative vote.  As president he would represent the union.  We don't want someone who is just present in the White House.

  9. He has much more then 143 days experience as a senator. He was also a community organiser (You know, like some guy called Martain Luther King) to a very highly populated area.

    Now, to finish off with a quote: "Patriotism has no party. I love this country and so do you and so does John McCain"- Barack Obama.

  10. Obama doesn't have the experience needed to run our country. I didn't vote for McCain in the primaries but he is the best candidate to choose from now. America under the Obama administration would be a disaster ... rich, poor or middle class.

  11. I would be interested to see what your definition of patriotism is.  Must not allow for any suggestion of change.  Someone advocating change doesn't have to be unpatriotic, or even think the country is broken.  I hope you aren't bitter if Obama wins.  I've been around long enough to know the country survives even if the president you fear is elected.

    Nixon made me a Democrat, Carter made me a Republican, and now W made me a Democrat again.  Someday, you may think the country needs a change.  I promise not to call you unpatriotic.

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