
143 pound 10 year old girl?

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My sister is 10 and 143 lbs! She eats all the time! She microwaves cheese sandwitchs. She stays up later than everyone in the house so she can steal food in the kitchen. She even eats outta the trash can! Like if i throw away a box with cookies still in is she'll eat them out the trash! She is obsessed with food....if we are planning to go eat out for a birthday or something she'll think about it for days before.

WTF should i do!?




  1. uhh tell her. her eating of the trash is gross. and tell her if she continues eating that way she'll become unhealthy and maybe diabetes. (diabetes is horriable unless you like getting shots everyday)

  2. you better throw some locks on that fridge and get that girl a tred meel

  3. Seek a nutritionist now. Put a lock on the fridge. excercise. Pray that her stomache shrinks... And make your parents be responsible!!!!!!! you shouldnt have to carry that burden.

  4. Take all the

    unhealthy foods

    out of your house

    like potato chips,

    ice cream, etc.

    take her for bike rides

    and get her out of the

    house more


    or you can always see a nutritionist

    hopefully she will be up to all

    of these activities

  5. Over-eating is an addiction and should definitely not go ignored.  Your parents should really seek help for her.  

    Weight Watchers is a wonderful program, and is easy to follow.  As her sister, I would try to encourage better eating habits, walking, bicycling, swimming.  Her eating is out of control and the problem may be much deeper.  Nonetheless, I wish you luck with helping your sister, she is lucky to have you, and be sure to let her know that it troubles you to see what she is doing to herself, and remember always, to tell her you love her.

  6. I understand what you are saying. My brother is also 10 and he is 149 Lbs. He just went to the doctor about a week ago. The doctor said that he had high blood sugar. You need to warn your sister that she needs to control her eating habits. This can lead to diabetes. Maybe someone should send her to bed early and put her on a tight diet where it is controlled to what and how much she eats. If she does well for a week or so then you should try to give her a little sweat dessert of something. But someone has to take control of her eating habits.

  7. woah have her exersize and stop buying sweets and fats. substitute all those high fat foods to low and healthy fats. HOWEVER if that isn't what you want then just lock the fridge or buy a small fridge and put it in your room or parents room lock it and store all the food in there. or hide stuff from her.

  8. omfg!!! fat b*t*h!

  9. that's hard since she is your sister, you can talk to your parnets about having bad food in the house.  If it's not there, she can't sneek it.  You can try to include her in physical activties to help her keep her mind off food and on other things.  Also reminder her that if she thinks she is hungry to drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes if she is still hungry then have an apple.


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