
14500 Dhms with accomodation, insurance and air tickets - will it be sufficient for Abu Dhabi?

by  |  earlier

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Hi I have got an offer from MNC. 14500 Dhms they are offering with accomodation, insurance and air tickets. Help me to understand as to how much it would cost be for a living for a month? Thank you. God bless




  1. Food 2500

    Housing 7500 (check  a  decent house is provided by your company -not the ****-house given to most hapless workers)

    Transport 2500

    Education 1500 per child

    Elec & Water 1000

    Furnishing 1000

    misc 1000

    total 9500 pm

    savings 5000 pm

    Savings about 60000 p.a

    Avg inflation = around 10-12% pa(ask employer how it is recompensed- most ignore it)

    Think about it carefully as the place is not well-tuned for young & ambitious professionals.

    Plus points -clean environment, safe, access to range of best consumer products, choice of changing jobs after initial 1 year or such longer period that you have committed to employer.

    If you are a professional, it is a risk. Try out the new job say for a month without surrendering your passport. You are free to  return in case you cannot adjust to the environment. The reality will be clear only when your actual work starts. With passport in their custody you are under employers control and often it is misused. Negotiate and delete every oppressive employment  term before signing contract. Contracts are ruthlessly enforced here. If your present career is good, don't throw it away yet.

    If all turns out well-  then a good life awaits you

    Good Luck

  2. Yes in general it is a good salary for a normal family but you did not mention other details like are they giving you transportation and what are your expenditures?

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