
147 miles on a bike?

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ok im thinkn about goin from brazil indiana on a 12 speed mountain bike to eminence kentucky.. ok u ppl can save the "r u frickin nuts" speech cuz been there done that. its about 140 miles to where im gonna meet em so they can pick me up.. ok i know im retarded but i gotta c my baby how long u think it would take me goin on the mountain bike?




  1. it all depends on the conditions you cud do it in about 17 hours  but i recomend you make sum overnight stops so you cud do it in 3 days. its about the same as the c2c route in england. hope this helps

  2. i dont think a 12 speed mountain bike is your best source of transportation. but your little girl should be enough motivation to get you there in atleast 3 days 2 if you want.

  3. Put on some higher pressure road tires, available at any bike shop. Learn how to fix a flat. Then give yourself 4 days. This will allow for weather, big hills, mechanical problems, getting lost, detours.

    If you make it there sooner, great, but if you have a problem and end up walking for 20 miles, it's could take a while.

  4. 2 days, if you spend all day at it. Getting in shape before you try it really helps.


  5. 10 miles an hour is reasonable, and 60 miles a day is reasonable.  You could easily be there in 3 days - allowing for potty stops, rest breaks, bad weather and sleeping.    Don't listen to those people telling you that it is crazy.  It won't be that hard at all.  Get a camel back to carry plenty of water and take supplies like spare inner tubes, patches, an air pump, food, sunscreen and lip balm, etc.

  6. 4 days, owwie sounds quite painful

  7. Wow, that is a long way to go on a mountain bike. I put thinner, smooth tires on my old mountain bike and rode a 100-mile tour once. I was somewhat tired after 60 miles and exhausted near the end. I could barely walk down stairs the next two days.

    So, 147 miles will be a huge challenge. At least put smooth road tires without knobbies on your bike if you can afford them. Bring a lot of water and food. The trip will take about 15 hours of riding, more or less.

  8. 2 days if you push yourself.  Be prepared for more and have supplies in case of bike trouble.  You have a goal, so you wont be wanting to sleep much. Keep your motivation up and push yourself.  It will be a story that you will never forget.  DO IT.

  9. If you've been there - done that, why don't you tell me?
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