
15, want to tell my bf I don't want s*x without offending him?

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I'm 15 and love my boyfriend very much. Before I start - please don't judge me, I just wan't some advice.

I told him I definitely want to wait until I'm at least 16 to have s*x so I can be on the pill as well as a condom (I DO NOT want to be pregnant this young it would ruin my life). He said it was fine, and that whenever I'm ready is ok. But I get the feeling he is disapointed.

I'm also unsure if I'll want to at 16 anyway, I mean I like him...but I don't think I'm ready. He says we don't have to do anything ever unless I want to...but I really don't think he means this.

Anyway to the point: Is there anything I can do to make him happier about my decision without having s*x?




  1. tell him that your still young and your not yet ready

  2. You should be proud of yourself for having common sense and pride enough to say no. I also noticed that you said you "like" him and not "love" him and that alone is a good reason to say no to s*x. Don't worry about his happiness with your decision. If you are happy, thats enough!  

  3. i think you smart to not have s*x at a young age. i think your boyfriend just want you for s*x. because if cant accept you aint ready. he not the one

  4. good...i'm 15 too!Lolz You should wait to have s*x at the age of 17 haha oh and just have dry s*x untell then....its like s*x but with clothes on so nothings exactly going in u!hope that helped!:]

  5. hes actually a pretty great guy for telling you that its fine until you want to...most guys would say that kind of stuff, but then try to get down your pants any way. dont be pressured into doing anything you dont want to, and its good that your smart about it. if you wanna see your man happy for now, give him occasional hand jobs or consider dry s*x ( basically just alot of kissing, touching, rubbing WITH your clothes on ). when your ready, tell him, but make sure hes the one you want to lose your virginity to. good luck hun, hope i helped =)

  6. You cannot change how someone else thinks or feels.  You can only follow your own convictions.  Personally, I think he is very foolish if he is trying to talk you into s*x at 15.  Your virginity is a precious gift that you can give only once in your lifetime.   Should something of that great value be given to a mere highschool boyfriend?  Stick to your convictions, girlfriend.   If he is unhappy at being told no, that is his problem.  If he would choose to look elsewhere for s*x, that says a lot about his committment (or lack thereof) to you as a person.  I know it sounds trite, but real love does wait. Infatuation and lust do not.

  7. stick to your decision, you did good.

    if he loves and respect you he will wait until you are ready.

  8. how is not having s*x offending him? you both are too young for that anyway so it's good you are planning to wait.

  9. he should be happy that you don't wanna get pregant. I'm guessing hes around 15 too so ya its the smart thing to do

  10. look i am16 had s*x a few months ago and i too was dissapionted but aggreed to my gf. So anyway are happy and your BF seems like a good person if he says fine. At his age being dissapionted is normal.

    Anyway my gf is 23 days older than me, and at 12am on the day i turn 16 see had s*x with me. we slept with each other before hand maybe try that. ANy way good luck you seem to have a great partner

  11. You are stressing yourself out over something that might not even be true. He said he'd wait. Take him at his word. If he says he'll wait, maybe he will. Maybe he loves you as much as you love him and he feels you'll be worth the wait.

    I am SO flashing back to Janet Jackson right now.

  12. If he really cares about you he will be understanding in your decision. If he gives you a hard time or wants to break up...then s*x is ALL he is after,so therefore he isnt even worth your time. Stand strong dont give in (he will tell you anythig he thinks you want to hear).

    You are only 15 ... just remember Boys are like Buses a new one comes by every 5 minutes.

  13. I do understand where you are coming from us girls should feel we don't have to do anything we don't want to. It's great if your boyfriend says he's happy with your decision but as we know boys/men don't always say what they feel. If this boyfriend of yours really loves you he will support your decision not to have s*x until your ready. You sound like a very bright young lady and i wish you all the best. Just stick to your guns if he can't except your wishes should you really be together?

  14. tell him big time,you need to wait girls beleave love boys beleave in getting a lot of girls to have s*x with them  you have all the time in the world you can only get smarter a bout boys,

  15. if you're happy with a relationship with no s*x, then so should he. why should you feel bad for not wanting it? you don't have to apologise, you don't have to explain. if you say you're not ready he should totally accept it and not treat you any differently - by that i mean he shouldn't withdraw, become less affectionate or attentive.

    it's unfair of him to put any sort of pressure on you at whatever age. even if you were both thirty and you didn't want it this answer would be exactly the same!!

    and btw, good on you for holding out until you're ready, whenever that may be. if he's not supportive of that then he's not worth your time!

    EDIT - so sorry to clarify - there's nothing you need to do to make him feel better about your decision not to have s*x, it's not your responsibility.  If he's unhappy with it then there are millions of s****s out there he can get it from without hassling you, you're obviously above him if that is the case.

  16. No s*x doesn't mean you can't have fun in other ways! Besides I'm sure he's on some p**n on the sly!!! lol  

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