
15,pregnant,i have this jelly stuff that comes in 2 my underwear is it serious???

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i have my 1st appointment at the doctors on wednesday so that in just under a week I'm roughly about 5 months pregnant and when i go toilet this white jelly stuff sometimes comes out is this something serious???




  1. im 5 months pregnant myself, Yes it is normal, If you read up on hitting the 5 month mark it will say, increased discarge, The only time you need to worry is if its not white or creamy coloured or if it smells. You sound ok as you have said it is white. good luck hun x

  2. Why haven't you been to the doctors before now? Sounds like discharge to me

    Good Luck

  3. Sounds like normal discharge. If you are worried, see if you can get an earlier appointment.

  4. It's sounds like your mucous plug, which is very slippery and jelly-like.  Make sure to mention it to your doctor, as you're too early in your pregnancy to be losing this.  Good luck!

  5. I find your truly unbelievable to be honest your 5 months pregnant and you have NOT been to a doctor yet Your 15 where is your mother and in a question i seen earlier you were saying your worried your baby would come out with three heads !

  6. its discharge i had this all the way through my pregnancy

  7. it might be just discharge but it actualy sounds like part of your mucus plug i would try getting into the doctors earlier if you have a midwife try ringing her up and asking her. good luck x

  8. It's probably discharge - I'm 34 weeks and had various discharge, some of it is more jelly like.

    As for the mucus plug it is a blob of jelly like clear 'snot' that plugs the cervix.  It can mean labour is due soon, so I doubt that it is the mucus plug.  It's supposed to be quite stretchy.

  9. its discharge nothing 2 worry about

  10. Your mucous plug is kind of greenish, clear snot like maybe with a bit of blood in which comes out when labour is near.

    But what you are experience IS NOT your mucous plug. It's just normal discharge. When you're pregnant, its completely normal for an increase in the amount of discharge you see. Like the first answerer said, it is nothing to worry about.

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