
15-20kilos 1 month is it possible?

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ive asked alot of questions about weight loss these past few weeks ive tried numerous things and some things are working everyone has been great and i know it takes time but i need a good weight loss tablet i dont have time to go exercising i have a 7month old son who is sick and is constantly on medication or going to the hospital iam 17year of age i weight approx 86kg and iam an average height because of what happens i don't have time to cook healthy meals as i would like or go to the gym and workout or work out at home because by the time i get home from the hospital iam cleaning and washing and making sure my son is okay by the time ive done that iam lucky to of ordered take away because iam hungry and exhausted i know diet pills are not good but i really don't care if it helps me lose the weight then ill do it i was going to do a crash diet to start me off but i think the tablets will just be better they will give me that energy i need to cook and to clean and to be able to fit a bit of a 30 min workout plus my little boy will soon be eating proper foods and i don't want him growing up with the horrid habit of take away please help




  1. Look i feel for you because i know it'r a difficult situation, but diet pills are not the answer. You imagine them to be some magic pill that will give you the energy to eat healthy and exercise. That's not the case- don't listen to the claims. They are so dangerous, they can make you very ill or even kill you. Who will take care of your son then? For your child's sake, you need to be healthy not skinny. If you can't cook, concentrate on finding healthy take and make a side salad which takes one minute. There are also healthy frozen foods you can buy at the grocery store. Good luck    

  2. Give yourself more time and do it more healthy. Ive been on weight watchers for three months and have lost almost 30 lbs. You get to eat whatever you want you just have to portion and make better decisions. You should try it.  

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